MAKE A MEME View Large Image NATO affiliations in Europe.svg Map showing the current affiliations of European countries with North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO Non-European NATO areas such as the United States Canada Greenland and French Guiana are not included on ...
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Keywords: NATO affiliations in Europe.svg Map showing the current affiliations of European countries with North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO Non-European NATO areas such as the United States Canada Greenland and French Guiana are not included on the map Separatist states which are not recognized by the majority of NATO member are also not depicted Mapa zobrazující partnerské smlouvy NATO v Evropě a okolí ка� та показывающая текущие отношения ев� опейских ст� ан с Севе� о-Атлантическим Альянсом � АТО � е ев� опейские зоны � АТО такие как США Канада Г� енландия и Ф� анцузская Гвинея не показаны на ка� те Сепа� атистские госуда� ства не п� изнанные большинством членов � АТО также не показаны Blank_map_europe svg NATO_enlargement svg 2010-05-22 20 48 UTC Blank_map_europe svg PNG author San Jose 19 July 2006 SVG trace by RedHotHeat 06 August 2006 NATO_enlargement svg Patrickneil derivative work Patrick <sub>o</sub><small>Ѻ</small><sup> ��</sup> File NATO enlargement svg with dates and File Major NATO affiliations in Europe svg without Intensified Dialogue green Colors darkblue Current NATO members 2a7fff Membership Action Plan countries darkgreen Intensified Dialogue countries ffd900 Individual Partnership Action Plan countries ff7826 Partnership for Peace members red Aspiring Partnership for Peace members Uploaded with derivativeFX SVG maps of Europe Maps of NATO
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