Keywords: Nearby Stars (14ly Radius).svg A spatial representation of every star within 14 light-years of Sol There are 32 known stars in this region including Sol The stars are coloured according to the spectral type which may not reflect the actual colour Please see this Wikipedia article for the listing of stars If a star is double or triple the stars are shown stacked vertically the actual position is the star closest to the centre plane The stars on this map may not all be visible to the naked eye as many are dwarf stars Some of this information may be preliminary and not entirely accurate as a result The coordinate system is right ascension and declination Hours of RA are marked as well as distance in multiples of 5 light-years self-made Mathematica Inkscape <br>See also http //www daviddarling info/encyclopedia/S/starsnearest html 2008-04-06 Inductiveload Other versions <gallery> File Nearby Stars 14ly Radius -ru svg Russian File Nearby Stars 14ly Radius -sl svg Slovenščina File Nearby Stars 14ly Radius uk svg Ukrainian/Ук� аїнською File Nearby Stars 14ly Radius _ger svg German </gallery> Other fields + 6 Diagrams i Mathematica Code <pre><nowiki> raToTheta h_ m_ s_ 15 h + 15/60 m + 15/3600 s; decToPhi d_ m_ s_ 90 - d + m/60 + s/3600 Signd ; Returns celestial RA and Dec as radians in spherical coords celestialToSph rah_ ram_ ras_ dd_ dm_ ds_ dist_ name_ raToTheta rah ram ras Degree decToPhi dd dm ds Degree dist ; Map Spherical coords to Cartesian sphereMap phi_ theta_ r_ r Sintheta Cosphi r Sintheta Sinphi r Costheta ; Produce a circle of radius r offset in the z axis by z offsetCircler_ z_ ParametricPlot3D r Cost r Sint z t 0 2 Pi ; Star list as RA Dec Distance Name starList 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sun 14 29 43 -62 40 46 4 2421 Proxima Centauri 14 39 36 5 -60 50 02 4 3650 \Alpha Centauri 17 39 35 1 4 41 36 5 9630 Barnard's Star 10 49 18 7 -53 19 10 6 5880 Luhman 16 10 56 29 2 7 0 53 7 7825 Wolf 359 11 3 20 2 35 58 12 8 2905 Lalande 21185 6 45 8 8 -16 42 58 8 5828 Sirius 1 39 1 3 -17 57 01 8 7280 Luyten 726-8 15 41 51 5 -22 50 25 9 3000 Wise 1541-2250 18 49 49 4 -23 50 10 9 6183 Ross 154 23 41 54 7 44 10 30 10 322 Ross 248 3 32 55 8 -9 27 30 10 522 \Epsilon Eridani 23 5 52 -35 51 11 10 742 Lacaille 9352 11 47 44 4 0 48 16 10 919 Ross 128 22 38 33 4 -15 18 7 11 266 EZ Aquarii 07 39 18 1 5 13 30 11 402 Procyon 21 06 53 9 38 44 58 11 403 61 Cygni 18 42 46 7 59 37 49 11 525 Struve 2398 1 18 22 9 44 1 23 11 624 Groombridge 34 22 3 21 7 -56 47 10 11 824 \Epsilon Indi 8 29 49 5 26 46 37 11 826 DX Cancri 1 44 4 1 -15 56 15 11 887 \Tau Ceti 3 35 59 7 -44 30 45 11 991 GJ 1061 1 12 30 6 -16 59 56 12 132 YZ Ceti 07 27 24 5 5 13 33 12 366 Luyten's Star 2 53 0 9 16 52 53 12 571 Teegarden's Star 18 45 5 3 -63 57 48 12 571 SCR 1845-6357 5 11 40 6 -45 1 6 12 777 Kapteyn's Star 21 17 15 3 -38 52 03 12 870 Lacaille 8760 22 27 59 5 57 41 45 13 149 Kruger 60 10 48 14 7 -39 56 06 13 167 DEN 1048-3956 6 29 23 4 -2 48 50 13 349 Ross 614 ; Get stars in phi theta r format starsDeg MapcelestialToSph starList 1; Map into the Cartesian space starPlot sphereMap / starsDeg; stars ListPointPlot3DstarPlot; labels Table Graphics3D Text starListi 4 starPloti -1 1 0 i 1 LengthstarList ; posLines Table Graphics3D Orange Line 0 0 0 starPloti 1 starPloti 2 0 starPloti i 2 LengthstarList ; gridhours Graphics3D Line -20 0 0 20 0 0 Line 0 -20 0 0 20 0 ; gridly offsetCircle5 0 offsetCircle10 0 offsetCircle15 0 ; viewDist 20000; Distance of Viewpoint viewRA 225 Degree; RA of viewpoint viewDec 20 Degree; Dec of viewpoint Show labels posLines stars gridhours gridly BaseStyle -> FontFamily -> DejaVu Sans PlotRange -> -15 15 -15 15 -12 12 SphericalRegion -> True Axes -> False BoxRatios -> 1 1 1 Boxed -> False ViewPoint -> SinviewRA viewDist CosviewRA viewDist SinviewDec viewDist ViewVertical -> 0 0 1 AxesLabel -> x y z ImageSize -> 1000 </nowiki></pre> Solar neighborhood SVG diagrams in English |