MAKE A MEME View Large Image New floral guide (16655935347).jpg New Floral Guide ” Spring 1901 <br> 71 <br> New Ageratum Stella Gurney <br> SOLANUM RANTONETTI The BluevSolanum <br> A lovely plant for bedding and house culture; bears <br> beautiful clusters of deepest ...
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Keywords: New floral guide (16655935347).jpg New Floral Guide � Spring 1901 <br> 71 <br> New Ageratum Stella Gurney <br> SOLANUM RANTONETTI The BluevSolanum <br> A lovely plant for bedding and house culture; bears <br> beautiful clusters of deepest sky blue flowers ; blooms <br> all the time and is very easy to grow 10 cts <br> each; larger 15 cts each postpaid <br> LEMON VERBENA Highly prized for the spicy <br> and delicious fragrance of its leaves; entirely different <br> from anything else; nice for pots and bedding 10 <br> cts each postpaid <br> Ne25L Ageratum <br> STELLA GURNEY <br> THIS is the finest Ageratum yet introduced makes <br> neat compact plants covered all the time with <br> lovely fluffy sky blue flowers a splendid plant foi <br> beds and borders in Summer and for the window garden <br> and conservatory in Winter 15 cts each 2 for 25 <br> cts 1 25 per doz postpaid <br> NEW SNOW WHITE AGERATUM � <br> BLANCHE � A lovely plant for pots borders and <br> edging grows low and compact pure snow white <br> fluffy flowers blooms all the time 15c each ; 1 25 <br> per dozen makes a fine contrast with the New <br> Blue Stella Gurney above will send both for25 c <br> or with Dr Ross Coleus the 3 for 40c postpaid <br> NEW COLEUS DOCTOR ROSS This is a <br> truly magnificent Coleus One of the brightest and <br> richest colored varieties ever seen; enormous leaves <br> rich dark velvety crimson shaded and marbled <br> with black and showing a broad w edge of creamy- <br> white and green in centre ; elegantly fringed and bor- <br> dered with green and gold exceedingly beautiful 15 ctS <br> each 4 for 50 cts 1 50 per doz postpaid <br> TUBEROUS <br> ROOTED <br> NEW- <br> Be onia <br> Solanum Rantonetti <br> The New Tuberous Rooted Begonias are among the most <br> beautiful of all Summer flowering bulbs They grow 12 to <br> 15 inches high branchmg freely and blooming abundantly <br> all Summer and Fall The flowers are exceedingly rich and <br> handsome; from four to six inches across; many brilliant colors including <br> red pink crimson scarlet salm on yellow and pure white The <br> Bulbs should be started early in the house and set out when ground <br> is warm they like rich moist ground when convenient but will do <br> well in all usual places if mulched with old well-rotted ma- <br> nure or some similar material to shade the ground and prevent <br> it from getting too hot and dry Keep roots in cellar over <br> Winter and they will produce larger and finer flowers year <br> after year They are very grand and beautiful and exten- <br> sively used In the finest'places <br> SINGI Scarlet Orange Crimson Pink White <br> and Yellow 10 cts each; 6 for 50 cts ; 75 cts per <br> doz ; 6 00 per 100 postpaid <br> SINGI/B All colors mixed 7 cts each; 65 cts per <br> doz ; 4 00 per 100 postpaid <br> DOUBI E Scarlet Pink White and Yellow 20 cts <br> each; set of 4 colors for 75 cts ; 2 00 per doz ; <br> postpaid <br> D0UBI i5 All colors mixed 15 cts each; 1 50 per <br> doz postpaid <br> GHEVILLEA KOBUSTA Silk Oak or Fern I eaf Tree Resembles a <br> lovely fern or palm with deeply cut leaves but grows quickly and easily; <br> the young leaves are bronze green with soft feathery tassels like fine <br> raw silk very handsome for conservatory or window Strong thrifty <br> K«W Tuberous Begonia plants io and 15 cts each j ostpaiJ; larger size 35 cts expresis 42484233 134532 67120 Page 71 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42484233 1901 10 1111/j 1469-7998 1865 tb02381 x Conard Jones Co West Grove Pa ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Ageratum NameConfirmed Ageratum L EOLID 59467 NameFound Begonia NameConfirmed Begonia aff palmata GBG 002-089-95 EOLID 11904651 NameFound Solanum NameConfirmed Solanum EOLID 11195972 NameBankID 2653514 NameFound Verbena NameConfirmed Verbena subser Pseudoracemosae N O'Leary EOLID 24001436 Biodiversity Heritage Library New floral guide 1901 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Nursery stock Plants Ornamental Roses Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42484233 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42484233 Conard Jones Co Flowers West Grove PA Conard Jones Co bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library west grove pa conard jones co bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-19 Check categories 2015 August 23 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16655935347 2015-08-23 23 58 05 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 New floral guide 1901 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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