Keywords: New floral guide (16675569958).jpg New Floral Guide � Spring 1901 <br> ° SANTA ROSA SET <br> 10 Charming Ever-Bloomers for a Small Bed only 1 00 Postpaid <br> SANTA ROSA � This is a grand New Tea Rose from Cali <br> fornia It somewhat resembles Hermosa but is larger and <br> more beautiful The flowers are large round full and <br> sweet; the color is rich rosv <br> pink shading to cop <br> pery-red A constant <br> and very abundant <br> bloomer and is <br> quite hardy; an <br> excellent rose <br> for the open <br> ground 15 <br> cts each <br> larg er size <br> 2 c ; post- <br> paid Two- <br> year size <br> 35 cts each <br> by express <br> VICOMTESSE DE <br> WAUTIER � A <br> curious rose; it <br> deserves to be bi t- <br> ter known than it <br> is Its attractiveness <br> lies especially in the <br> unusual combination <br> of colors; rose yel- <br> low white and red ' <br> 15 cts each; larger <br> size 20 cts post- <br> paid Two-year <br> size 35 cts by expre <br> PRINCESS DE SAGAN <br> A fine new French rose valuable <br> for its buds and exquisite color Producing <br> beautiful buds of the brightest scailet crnn- <br> son; medium size semi-donble 10 cts each; larger <br> size 15c postpaid Two-year size 30c by express <br> MLLE HELENA GAMBIER � A grand new Ever-bloom- <br> ing Rose; color lovely canary yellow with deep peachy- <br> red centre changing to creamy-pink as the flowers open <br> It makes a neat handsome bush blooms very quickl5' and <br> abundantly all through the season and the flowers are large <br> very double and sweet 15 cts each; larger size 20 cts Two- <br> year size 35 cts by exi ress <br> MADAME JOSEPH SCHWARTZ � Pure white tinted with rose; large <br> handsome flowers; very fragant and beautiful 10 cts each; larger <br> size 16 cts jiostpaid Two-year size 30 cts by express <br> MLLE MARIE LOUISE OGER -Extra large very beautiful milky-white roses <br> elegantly shaded and tinged with golden-yellow; a good vigorous grower and mo' t <br> abundant bloomer 15 cts each; larger size 20 cts postpaid Two-jear <br> size 35 cts by express <br> MARGUERITE KETTEN- Tea-scented A very fine large beautifully formed rose ' <br> makes elegant buds deliciously sweet; fine peachy-yellow flushed with rose and <br> pink shades; a most constant and profuse bloomer 15 cts each; larger size <br> 20 cts postpaid Two-year size 35 cts by express <br> JULES FINGER � Fine rich rosy-red extra large buds and <br> flowers; constant bloomer; very sweet; a good bushy <br> grower producing lots of beautiful buds and flowers all <br> the season 10 cts each; larger size 15 cts postpaid <br> Two-year size 30 cts by express <br> Santa Kosa <br> SOUV DE AUG METRAL � Pure deep red large full <br> flowers of good form and substance delightfully fragrant <br> a strong vigorous grower and abundant bloomer 15 cts <br> each; larger size 20 cts postpaid Two-year size <br> 35 cts by express <br> MAD HENRY GRAIRE � Another one of those sorts so <br> much admired as soon as known; bears large full flowers <br> of delicious fragrance and exquisite form The color is <br> fine bright rose shaded vermillion with bronze tints <br> 15 cts each; larger size 20 ct s postpaid TAVo-year <br> size 35 cts by express <br> The Most Charming 1 00 Set Offered <br> Most Beautiful Colors and Very Finest Fragra nce <br> SPECIAL OFFER <br> Our Santa Rosa Sety 10 Charming Ever- <br> Blooming Roses Finest colors Best <br> Bloomers Delicious Fragrance only 1 00; Larger Size L35 postpaid Two- <br> Year Size 10 for 2 50 by express 42484185 134532 67120 Page 23 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42484185 1901 10 1111/j 1469-7998 1865 tb02381 x Conard Jones Co West Grove Pa ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Biodiversity Heritage Library New floral guide 1901 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Nursery stock Plants Ornamental Roses Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42484185 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42484185 Conard Jones Co Flowers West Grove PA Conard Jones Co bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library west grove pa conard jones co bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-19 Check categories 2015 August 23 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16675569958 2015-08-23 23 56 02 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 New floral guide 1901 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |