Keywords: New floral guide (16677158589).jpg New Floral Guide � Spring 1 01 <br> 115 <br> S <br> PLENDID FRINGED <br> Primula Sinensis Fimbriata <br> Chinese Primrose <br> PRIMULA SINENSIS FIMBRIATA Fringed Chinese <br> Primrose � Undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and <br> satisfactory house plants ; never attacked by insects and <br> will thrive in a window where there is <br> but little sun and few other plants <br> would grow ; seed sown from April till <br> July blooms freely the following Winter <br> Cover the seed an eighth of an inch with <br> fine light rich soil keep moist but not wet <br> and they will begin to grow in two or three <br> weeks They are so easily raised there is <br> no reason why every flower lover should <br> not have a magnificent display of these <br> brightest and best of all Winter flowers <br> The seed we offer is from the finest strains <br> and best colors including pure white pur- <br> ple rose scarlet striped and spotted and <br> the lovely blue Primula Splendid mixed <br> large-flowering all colors Packet 8 cts <br> THE EVERBLOOMING PRIMROSE <br> PRIMULA OBCO NIC A � This lovely <br> primrose is one of the finest plants for pot <br> culture ever introduced Flowers are pure <br> white shading to lilac and have the real <br> primrose fragrance ; they are borne in <br> beautiful clusters on long stems and in such constant profusion <br> that plants have been known to bloom twelve months at a <br> stretch; grows very easily and will doubtless become a great <br> favorite Packet cts <br> Primula Sinensis Fimbriata <br> Fringed Chinese Primrose <br> MIMULUS Monkey Flower � Curiously shaped brilliantly <br> colored flowers blotched and spotted in every conceivable <br> manner; excellent for pots and baskets; also for open <br> ground Packet 3 cts <br> SCHIZANTHUS or CHRISTMAS ORCHID FLOWER � An <br> elegant free-blooming annual; large curiously-shaped flowers <br> beautifully spotted with crimson lilac purple and orange; <br> makes pretty house plants ; also fine for beds and cutting <br> Packet 4 cts <br> SOLANUM Jerusalem Cherry � A charming plant for a pot <br> resembling a miniature orange tree ; covered all Winter with <br> a profusion of scarlet fruit which is the chief attraction <br> Packet 4 cts <br> HEUCHERA SANGUINEA � A splendid new hardy perennial <br> of real value Plants make neat compact bushes fifteen to <br> eighteen inches high The flowers are produced in long <br> graceful trusses and are bright rich crimson Exceedingly <br> valuable and handsome for cut flowers Perfectly hardy will <br> live over Winter and come up fresh every Spring <br> Packet 4 cts <br> NEW LARGE-FLOWERING TORENIA � A most charming <br> plant equally valuable for beds baskets and pots ; a profuse <br> bloomer covered with deep blue flowers most all the time <br> Packet 6 cts <br> Schizanthus or Christmas Orchid Floiver <br> Crotalaria Retusa <br> MIMULUS MOSCHATUS The Musk Plant � An old favor- <br> ite grown for its strong musky odor does well outside ; also in <br> pots Packet 3 cts <br> NEW MINA SANGUINEA � An elegant new climbing vine <br> quite scarce and rare ; grows fifteen to twenty feet high ; <br> neat handsome foliage and covered from top to bottom with <br> pretty deep crimson fiowers ; blooms all Summer Fine for <br> screens porches and trellises Packet 6 cts <br> CROTALARIA RETUSA GOLDEN BUSH PEA or FLOR- <br> IDA RATTLE-BOX � Looks very much like a Golden Yellow <br> Sweet Pea ; often forty flowers on one spike ; blooms pro- <br> fusely all Summer The flowers are followed by pods in <br> which the seeds sound like a child's rattle Soak seeds in <br> warm water and start in window or hot-bed Packet 6 cts <br> NEW TORENIA WHITE WINGS � Fully equal in beauty <br> to the Blue Torenia which it closely resembles ; flowers <br> pearly white ; extra fine for bedding and house culture ; <br> blooms all the time Packet 6 cts <br> IMPATIENS SULTANA � This is a lovely plant either for <br> house culture or open ground ; nearly always loaded with its <br> brilliant rosy crimson flowers ; very showy and beautiful; <br> grows easily and is one of the prettiest plants we have Pkt 6c 42484277 134532 67120 Page 115 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42484277 1901 10 1111/j 1469-7998 1865 tb02381 x Conard Jones Co West Grove Pa ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Crotalaria NameConfirmed Crotalaria EOLID 11230122 NameBankID 3867590 NameFound Crotalaria retusa NameConfirmed Crotalaria retusa EOLID 694584 NameBankID 2650882 NameFound Heuchera sanguinea NameConfirmed Heuchera sanguinea EOLID 583262 NameBankID 2649682 NameFound Impatiens sultana NameConfirmed Impatiens sultani L 1753 EOLID 5019763 NameFound Mimulus NameConfirmed Mimulus EOLID 103579 NameBankID 4774934 NameFound Mimulus moschatus NameConfirmed Mimulus moschatus EOLID 578661 NameBankID 2655753 NameFound Mina sanguinea NameConfirmed Smilax sanguinea Posada-Ar EOLID 1083753 NameFound Orchid NameFound Primula sinensis NameConfirmed Primula sinensis EOLID 2892062 NameBankID 5850725 NameFound Retusa NameConfirmed Retusa EOLID 10711956 NameBankID 2687447 NameFound Schizanthus NameConfirmed Schizanthus aff pinnatus Reeves 24 EOLID 11884489 NameFound Solanum NameConfirmed Solanum EOLID 11195972 NameBankID 2653514 NameFound Torenia NameConfirmed Torenia L EOLID 61433 Biodiversity Heritage Library New floral guide 1901 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Nursery stock Plants Ornamental Roses Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42484277 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42484277 Conard Jones Co Flowers West Grove PA Conard Jones Co bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library west grove pa conard jones co bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-19 Check categories 2015 August 23 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16677158589 2015-08-23 23 55 27 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 New floral guide 1901 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |