Keywords: New floral guide (16863247945).jpg New Floral Guide � Spring 1901 <br> 95 <br> NEW TALL NASTURTIUM French Chameleon <br> This is an entirely new variety of climbing' Nasturtiums remarkable for bearing <br> flowers of many different colors and markings on the same plant The flowers <br> are of largest size and most brilliant colors including fine blotched bordered flamed and <br> self shades in endless combination The variety and brilliancy of colors is truly mar- <br> velous ; we import the seed direct from the originators in France Pkt 5 cts oz 15 cts <br> NEW DWARF NASTURTIUM French Chameleon <br> Both the Dwarf and Tall Chameleon Nasturtiums are introduced by Vilmorin Co i <br> the celebrated seedsmen of Paris who recommend them as remarkable novelties of great merit They <br> are similar in growth and habit to other Nasturtiums but bear flowers of many different <br> colors on the same plant The flowers are of largest size and most brilliant shades; blotched <br> margined and stained in many wonderful combinations They are well worthy of an extended trial <br> Pkt 5 cts Yz oz 8 cts ; oz 15 cts <br> THE RAINBOW OR MAY APPLE <br> PASSION FLOWER <br> PASSIFLORA INCARNATA <br> This is a handsome rapid growing climber winch grows easily from seed and is always greatly <br> admired on account of the exquisite color and <br> curious form of its flower; begins to bloom <br> while quite small ; the flowers are 3 to 4 inches <br> across lovely blush white delicately tmted <br> with blue and having a beautiful rayed <br> centre like the spokes of a wheel <br> The flow ers are followed by handsome <br> purple fruits of pleasant flavor It is <br> perennial and though itmay die down <br> in Winter will come up in the Spring <br> and bloom as well as ever ; a partially <br> sheltered situation suits it best Pkt <br> 20 seeds 8 cts <br> BLUE PASSION FLOWER � Splendid <br> large flowers similar to the above except <br> in color which is beautiful violet blue <br> Pkt 8 cts <br> SCARLET PASSION FLOWER � Thi Is <br> the beautiful red passion flower of Cali- <br> fornia ; exceedingly handsome Pkt 8 cts <br> The 3 Pkts for 30 cts <br> The 3 Colors Mixed Pkt 6 cts <br> SMILAX usually called Boston Smil«x -One of the Passlflora Incarnata <br> most desirable window vines highly valued for its elegant glossy green foliage and graceful climbing habit; <br> grows several feet high the first seasor and is largely used in all kinds of floral decorations Pkt 4 cts <br> THE BLUE DAISY Agathea Coelestis � It blooms <br> quickly from seed and is most abundant and <br> constant bloomer; flowers like the Paris Daisy <br> but deep blue; an ornament to the flower bed and <br> useful for cutting; may be had in bloom all the <br> year round Pkt 4 cts <br> ENGLISH DOUBLE DAISY Bellis Perennis � <br> Daisies are sure to grow and begin blooming very <br> quickly; the flowers are white pink red and <br> variegated; the most of them come double and the <br> single ones are nearly as pretty as the double <br> Finest mixed 4 cts <br> NEW GIANT CALIFORNIA POPPY Irresis- <br> table Here is something grand showy and <br> �� � Irresistable for planting in all suitable places <br> in garden and lawn grows five to six feet high <br> loaded with immense perfectly double flowers <br> almost as round as a ball and of the most exquisite <br> color pure melting rose The petals are elegantly <br> fringed and taken altogether it is a rare and <br> splendid novelty of commanding beauty sure to <br> make a sensation wherever seen Pkt 6 cts <br> NEW AQUELIGEAS IMPROVED HYBRIDS <br> Very fine mixed These beautiful H3' brid Colum- <br> bines are remarkable for the size and novel forms <br> of their flowers and their many beautiful colors <br> They are perfectly hardy and bloom many weeks <br> every season Fine for borders and bedding <br> The Blue Daisy Pkt 6 cts <br> -_ - \- --- ' -'a 42484257 134532 67120 Page 95 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42484257 1901 10 1111/j 1469-7998 1865 tb02381 x Conard Jones Co West Grove Pa ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Agathea NameConfirmed Agathea NameBankID 8990051 NameFound Bellis NameConfirmed Bellis L EOLID 59430 NameFound Coelestis NameConfirmed Coelestis EOLID 8889111 NameBankID 3009138 NameFound Passiflora incarnata NameConfirmed Passiflora incarnata EOLID 14005600 NameBankID 2668431 NameFound Smilax NameConfirmed Smilax Jorge08 EOLID 3396175 Biodiversity Heritage Library New floral guide 1901 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Nursery stock Plants Ornamental Roses Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42484257 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42484257 Conard Jones Co Flowers West Grove PA Conard Jones Co bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library west grove pa conard jones co bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-19 Check categories 2015 August 23 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16863247945 2015-08-23 23 51 14 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 New floral guide 1901 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |