Keywords: Nikolai Argunov 19.jpeg По� т� ет тайного советника сенато� а Павла Степановича Рунича 1817 г холст масло 134x103 смГосуда� ственный Русский музей Санкт-Пете� бу� г 1817 Oil on canvas Institution Russian Museum http //fotki yandex ru/users/e675xa/view/174438 page 1 other versions <gallery>Pavel Runich by Argunov jpg Paul Stepanowitch Rounitch jpg</gallery> PD-old-100 Nikolai Argunov 19th-century portraits in the Russian Museum 1817 Pavel Runich 1810s oil on canvas paintings in Russia Portrait 1817 oil on canvas paintings Portrait 1817 portrait paintings Male 19th-century cabinet portraits 1817 19th-century oil portraits of sitting men at three-quarter length 1817 Columns in portrait paintings 1817 Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources Green drapery in portrait paintings 1817 Order of St Anna in portrait paintings 1817 Portrait paintings in 19th-century military uniforms of Russia Portrait paintings of men holding books 1817 Sash of the Order of St Alexander Nevsky in portrait paintings 1817 Star of the Order of St Alexander Nevsky in portrait paintings 1817 |