Keywords: Nikolay Makovsky Water Mill.jpg en Nikolay Makovsky 1842-1886 A Water-Mill ru � иколай Его� ович � аковский 1842-1886 «� ельница» Location Рыбинский госуда� ственный исто� ико-а� хитекту� ный и художественный музей-заповедник <br> Dimensions 39 1x31 см <br> Web source http //cor edu 27 ru/catalog/rubr/c9b48c36-01db-4cf0-b53b-b1d3d6083af5/73932/ interface themcol <br> Technique Oil on canvas Creator Nikolay Makovsky окол 1870 �1880 Russian museum photo Institution Rybinsk museum-preserve PD-old-100 Nikolay Makovsky Paintings in Rybinsk Museum-Preserve Paintings of watermills 19th-century paintings of buildings |