Keywords: NIOSH-2011-01+.jpg ru Рисунок 1 из обзо� а п� офзаболеваний шахтё� ов http //www cdc gov/niosh/docs/2011-172/pdfs/2011-172 pdf Coal Mine Dust Exposures and Associated Health Outcomes Частота заболевания шахтё� ов-угольщиков пневмокониозом в США 1970-1995 У шахтё� ов со стажем 25 лет и более снижение заболеваемости составило с 30 до менее чем 10 Источник 1 en Figure 1 Prevalence of CWP category 1 or greater from the NIOSH Coal Workers � X-ray Program from 1970 �1995 by tenure in coal mining Figure 4 �2 of the CCD 1 2015-04-21 http //www cdc gov/niosh/docs/2011-172/pdfs/2011-172 pdf Coal Mine Dust Exposures and Associated Health Outcomes A Review of Information Published Since 1995 Michael Attfield et al NIOSH USA other versions PD-USGov National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Uploaded with UploadWizard Mining Workplace safety Workplace safety of Russia Occupational diseases Miners |