Keywords: Northern Bank, Mohill, Co. Leitrim (21819484282) (cropped).jpg Another building for today with a unique design for a bank While we haven't been able to refine the date range significantly there's a suggestion that the lady tending the window boxes yes - there she is over the door on the flat roof is a member of the http //www census nationalarchives ie/reels/nai002711298/ household of http //www census nationalarchives ie/pages/1911/Leitrim/Mohill/Main_Street/659867/ William Charles Smith who was manager of the branch in the early 20th century We also learn that the building's Art Nouveau architecture was http //www buildingsofireland ie/niah/search jsp type record county LE regno 30816009 possibly designed by W H Byrne or Godfrey William Ferguson and dates to c 1905 plus or minus a few years Photographer Unknown Collection http //catalogue nli ie/Collection/vtls000033799 Eason Photographic Collection Date between ca 1900-1939 NLI Ref http //catalogue nli ie/Record/vtls000559648 EAS_4038 You can also view this image and many thousands of others on the NLI �s catalogue at http //catalogue nli ie catalogue nli ie https //www flickr com/photos/nlireland/21819484282/ Northern Bank Mohill Co Leitrim 2009-12-02 11 08 https //www flickr com/people/47290943 N03 National Library of Ireland on The Commons http //www nli ie/en/flickr-commons aspx National Library of Ireland on The Commons Flickr Commons 53 921467 -7 867197 source Flickr Flickr-no known copyright restrictions PD-Old Art Nouveau History of County Leitrim Images from the National Library of Ireland Eason collection Mohill Images from the National Library of Ireland Northern Bank Northern Bank Mohill Co Leitrim 21819484282 jpg |