Keywords: Old woman by Repin.jpg Artwork Creator Ilja Jefimowitsch Repin Copy of an original by Rembrandt with the same title 1654 State Hermitage Museum St Petersburg Oil on canvas 110 7 × 87 cm The State Tretyakov Gallery Moscow Retrato de una anciana Copia del original de Rembrandt de igual título 1654 Museo estatal Hermitage de San Petersburgo Óleo sobre lienzo 110 7 × 87 cm Galería estatal Tretiakov Moscú По� т� ет ста� ушки Копия с о� игинала Ремб� андта тогоже названия 1654 Госуда� ственный музей Э� митаж Холст масло 110 7 × 87 см Госуда� ственная Т� етьяковская гале� ея � осква Beginning of the 1870's Inicio de los años 70 del S XIX � ачало 1870-х Technique Institution Tretyakov Gallery http //www picture art-catalog ru/picture php id_picture 11438 PD-old-100 Replicas Female portraits by Ilya Yefimovich Repin Portraits by Ilya Repin in the Tretyakov Gallery 19th-century paintings in the Tretyakov Gallery Paintings after Rembrandt Rembrandt's mother Portrait paintings of old women Portrait paintings of sitting women |