MAKE A MEME View Large Image Old woman by Repin.jpg Artwork Creator Ilja Jefimowitsch Repin Copy of an original by Rembrandt with the same title 1654 State Hermitage Museum St Petersburg Oil on canvas 110 7 × 87 cm The State Tretyakov Gallery Moscow Retrato de una ...
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Keywords: Old woman by Repin.jpg Artwork Creator Ilja Jefimowitsch Repin Copy of an original by Rembrandt with the same title 1654 State Hermitage Museum St Petersburg Oil on canvas 110 7 × 87 cm The State Tretyakov Gallery Moscow Retrato de una anciana Copia del original de Rembrandt de igual título 1654 Museo estatal Hermitage de San Petersburgo Óleo sobre lienzo 110 7 × 87 cm Galería estatal Tretiakov Moscú По� т� ет ста� ушки Копия с о� игинала Ремб� андта тогоже названия 1654 Госуда� ственный музей Э� митаж Холст масло 110 7 × 87 см Госуда� ственная Т� етьяковская гале� ея � осква Beginning of the 1870's Inicio de los años 70 del S XIX � ачало 1870-х Technique Institution Tretyakov Gallery http //www picture art-catalog ru/picture php id_picture 11438 PD-old-100 Replicas Female portraits by Ilya Yefimovich Repin Portraits by Ilya Repin in the Tretyakov Gallery 19th-century paintings in the Tretyakov Gallery Paintings after Rembrandt Rembrandt's mother Portrait paintings of old women Portrait paintings of sitting women
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