Keywords: Orthodoxy by Country.svg Distribution of Orthodox Christianity in the world by country Eastern Orthodoxy legend 000055 Main religion more than 75 0000aa Main religion 50 - 75 0000ff Important minority religion 20 - 50 5555ff Important minority religion 5 - 20 aaaaff Minority religion 1 - 5 Oriental Orthodoxy 550000 Main religion more than 75 d40000 Main religion 50 - 75 ff0000 Important minority religion 20 - 50 ff5555 Important minority religion 5 - 20 ffaaaa Minority religion 1 - 5 Transferred from http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User Rafy using http //tools wikimedia de/~magnus/commonshelper php CommonsHelper <br/> Original text I <span style color 000066; padding 3px; >λ �� ��τερ ��ιξ</span><sup style color 666666; >talk</sup> created this work entirely by myself 01 15 23 December 2010 UTC <br/> 2010 12 23 first version ; 2010 12 23 last version <span style color 000066; padding 3px; >λ �� ��τερ ��ιξ</span><sup style color 666666; >talk</sup> Original uploader was Lanternix at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia CC-ZERO Lanternix at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia Cc-zero Original upload log page en wikipedia Orthodoxy_by_Country svg 2010-12-23 02 51 Lanternix 1376�660� 65002 bytes <nowiki></nowiki> 2010-12-23 02 50 Lanternix 1350�625� 1735 bytes <nowiki></nowiki> 2010-12-23 01 15 Lanternix 1350�625� 46486 bytes <nowiki> I ~~~ created this work entirely by myself ~~~~~ ~~~ </nowiki> ImageNote 1 966 284 14 16 1410 715 2 Oriental Orthodoxy is very old in India Many Oriental Orthodoxy Churches exist in Indian state of Kerala However they represent less than 1 of the total population of India so they are not marked on this map ImageNoteEnd 1 help I want to add India as oriental orthodox Christian as there are many Oriental orthodox in India specially in the Indian state of Kerala They are less than 1 of the population of India - 0 4 to be precise So they should not be added unless we change the official parameters of the map so that countries with less than 1 Orthodox Christians are also marked a change that would also affect other countries besides India Eastern Orthodox Church maps Christian distribution maps of the world Maps needing South Sudan political boundaries |