MAKE A MEME View Large Image Our new guide to rose culture (16385423989).jpg ThELHadiniRnHEErawEFsnfAmEFiDa lBeDIfJGEE gCONARD 53 <br> KVER-BLQQMING TEA ROSES ” CONTINUED <br> This is a very lovely ever-blooming <br> Rose and is always greatly admired by <br> all; It ...
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Keywords: Our new guide to rose culture (16385423989).jpg ThELHadiniRnHEErawEFsnfAmEFiDa lBeDIfJGEE gCONARD 53 <br> KVER-BLQQMING TEA ROSES � CONTINUED <br> This is a very lovely ever-blooming <br> Rose and is always greatly admired by <br> all; It makes elegant buds and the flowers <br> are extra large very full and deliciously <br> sweet; color bright rosy flesh passing to clear <br> rose brightened with pink elegantly shaded <br> and very beautiful It is a strong healthy grower <br> and a wonderfully free and constant bloomer; very hand- <br> some and desirable 10 cts each; 6 for 50 cts ; r per <br> dozen Two-year-old plants 30 cts each <br> PAPA GONTIER <br> A splendid crimson Rose one of the best for all purposes; <br> it makes inr -nense buds and magnificent large bold flowers <br> of great depth and substance ; color rich cherry red passing <br> to clear glowing crimson; very fragrant and beautiful; a <br> strong vigorous grower and constant bloomer; one of the <br> very best and most valuable both for open ground and <br> greenhouse see cut page 52 10 cts each ; 6 for 50 cts ; <br> 1 per doz Two-year-old plants 30 cts each <br> MADAME RIVOY Looks like a Hybrid Per- <br> petual in Flower and Foliage Is Hardy � In this <br> grand old variety we have a Rose of no ordinary excellence <br> It is entitled to a place among Ever-blooming Roses equal <br> to that which General Jacqueminot takes among Hybrid <br> Perpetuals Indeed it is not unlike a Hybrid Perpetual in <br> the extra-large full and loosely formed crimson-scarlet <br> double flowers enchanting fragrance intensity of color <br> large handsome foliage and extreme vigor <br> it is hardy with slight protection a quick constant <br> profuse blbomer and for butdoor culture canno <br> celled by any Rose of its color 15 cts each ; 4 for 50 cts ; <br> 9 for i Two-year-old plants 30 cts each <br> MARECHAL ROBERT Charming Variety <br> � We select this variety from among hundreds as extra <br> good The flowers are full double and sweet ; they are <br> borne in abundance on long stiff stems all through the <br> growing season The color is pure white faintly tinged <br> with blush and yellow ; a good healthy grower and alto- <br> gether a pleasing and satisfactory Rose <br> MARIE LAMBERT OR SNOWFLAKE Qne of <br> the best and freest flowering blooming Roses in cultivation <br> equally good for open-ground cultivation and pot culture <br> Outdoors it is especially good being unusually hardy very <br> vigorous and a certain continuous and free bloomer On <br> a siii'gle plant only nine months old 143 buds and flowers <br> were counted Flowers large full and double ; color <br> creamy white <br> MADAME WELCHE <br> A Large Handsome Rose <br> Flowers of great depth ; fine globular form with broad <br> thick petals; color a beautiful shade of amber yellow <br> deepening toward centre to orange or coppery yellow <br> delicately clouded with pale crimson ; flowers and buds are <br> remarkably sweet and the plant is a healthy grower of <br> compact bushy habit producing buds and flowers in <br> abundance during the growing season Fine for open <br> ground as well as for greenhouse Superb in every way <br> 15 cts each ; 4 for 50 cts ; 9 for <br> 1 Two-year-old plants 30 <br> cts each - - / ~ <br> y ot color lyt <br> of growth ; m d <br> instant and n <br> mot be 'ex- L' <br> A f\ T for all Roses offered on tills page except where noted; any 6 for 50 cts ; 1 per <br> III ClS 3 Cn dozen postpaid Two-year-old plants 30 cts each; 8 per dozen by Express at <br> wv »» » vw purchaser's expense 43875640 149643 77861 Page 53 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43875640 1891 10 5962/bhl title 77861 Dingee Conard Co ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Biodiversity Heritage Library Our new guide to rose culture 1900 Garden Stories Catalogs Dingee Conard Co Flowers Nurseries Horticulture Nursery stock Roses Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43875640 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43875640 bhlGardenStories Madame Welche Madame Etienne Tea Roses BHLinbloom dingee conard co nurseries horticulture u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories madame welche madame etienne tea roses bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-18 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16385423989 2015-08-24 03 52 16 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Our new guide to rose culture 1891 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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