Keywords: Pachygrapsus marmoratus 2009 G4.jpg Quadratkrabben Pachygrapsus marmoratus weiblich Aufgenommen bei Sewastopol Schwarzes Meer Marbled rock crab Pachygrapsus marmoratus female This crab running over rock with a sea algae in surf zone The Black sea Pachygrapsus marmoratus femelle Mer noire Pachygrapsus marmoratus Fabricius 1793 � а� му� овий к� аб самиця Чо� не мо� е � � амо� ный к� аб самка Чё� ное мо� е own George Chernilevsky 2009-08-06 10 18 22 44 598244 33 443489 region UA-40 Assessment Assessments 1 1 Marbled rock crab 1 1 picture of the day 2013 05 02 Pachygrapsus marmoratus Taken with Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ5 Images by George Chernilevsky Quality Images by George Chernilevsky Featured pictures by George Chernilevsky Featured pictures of animals Featured pictures of Sevastopol Crustaceans of Sevastopol Crustaceans of the Black Sea Featured pictures taken with compact digital camera |