MAKE A MEME View Large Image Patras 1772.jpg en This is chart of the channel at the entrance to the Gulf of Corinth Chart of the Channel leading into the gulf of Lepanto between the northern part of Moreas Peninsula and the Greek coast drawn after bearings taken from ...
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Keywords: Patras 1772.jpg en This is chart of the channel at the entrance to the Gulf of Corinth Chart of the Channel leading into the gulf of Lepanto between the northern part of Moreas Peninsula and the Greek coast drawn after bearings taken from the russian ships anchored therein with depths measured The charthas been complied with compass with western variation of 15 00 Scale in sazhens of 7-feet measure of English feet Scale about 1 210000 The chart was made by russian navy during russo-turkish war 1769-1774 The place Battle of Patras is signed on the chart ru Это ка� та п� олива между Пат� аским и Ко� инфским заливами Ка� та п� олива в Лепантской залив между севе� ной частью полуост� ова � о� ея и Г� еческим бе� егом положен с пеленгов взятых у стоявших у оного на яко� е судов и п� оме� ены глубины Глубины указаны в саженях семифутовой ме� ы английского фута � есто Пат� асского с� ажения 1772 года указано надписью http //www indrik ru/catalogue/1997/Atlas_archipelagus shtml author 1772 PD-old-100 Maps of the Russo-Turkish Wars Old maps of Greece Medieval Patras 1772 maps Maps of the Gulf of Patras
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