MAKE A MEME View Large Image Patroclus corpse MAN Firenze.jpg Menelaus and Meriones lifting Patroclus' corpse on a cart while Odysseus on the right wearing the pilos hat and a shield looks on Alabaster urn Etruscan artwork 2nd century BC From Volterra Stored in the ...
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Keywords: Patroclus corpse MAN Firenze.jpg Menelaus and Meriones lifting Patroclus' corpse on a cart while Odysseus on the right wearing the pilos hat and a shield looks on Alabaster urn Etruscan artwork 2nd century BC From Volterra Stored in the Museo Nazionale Archeologico Nazionale in Florence Menelao y Merión sostienen el cadaver de Patroclo en un carro Urna de alabastro bajorrelieves estruscos siglo II dC en Volterra Expuesto en el Museo Nacional Arqueológico de Florencia Ménélas et Mérion déposent dans un char le corps de Patrocle pendant qu'Ulysse à droite portant le pilos et un bouclier regarde la scène Urne en albâtre art étrusque IIe siècle av J -C Provenance Volterra Conservé au Musée national archéologique de Florence own work from the Iliade exhibition at the Colosseum September 2006 �February 2007 2006 Jastrow Menelaus Odysseus in sculpture Patroclus Art made from alabaster 2nd-century BC reliefs in Florence Etruscan funerary urns from Volterra in the Museo archeologico nazionale Florence
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