Keywords: Paul Gauguin - Scène de la vie tahitienne (1896).jpg Artwork Q21727951 Creator Paul Gauguin Scène de la vie tahitienne Escena de la vida tahitiana Scene from Tahitian Life Сцена из жизни таитян 1896 oil on canvas cm 89 124 institution Hermitage Museum Not on display ГЭ-6517 Gauguin catalogues 537 367 Object history langSwitch Поступил в 1948 г Пе� едан из Госда� ственного музея нового западного искусства П� оисходит из соб� ания И А � о� озова Sergey Schukin's collection<br/>State Museum of New Western Art Moscow 1930 P Gauguin 96 signature/date bottom right ~ http //www hermitagemuseum org/wps/portal/hermitage/digital-collection/01 +Paintings/28180/ lng ru langSwitch Госуда� ственный Э� митаж The Hermitage St Petersburg Eremitage Sankt Petersburg Other versions PD-old-100-1923 DEFAULTSORT Gauguin; Polynesia 1896 Scene from Tahitian Life; Hermitage Polynesia by Paul Gauguin Paintings by Paul Gauguin in the Hermitage Sergey Schukin's collection 1896 paintings 1890s paintings by Paul Gauguin 1896 Scene from Tahitian Life; Hermitage |