MAKE A MEME View Large Image Pejeron Mor.jpg Painting Creator Anthonis Mor `Pejerón ' The Jester of the Count of Benavente and the Grand Duke of Alba The work is listed in the 1600 inventory of Madrid's Alcazar Palace as Pejerón the madman of the Count of Benavente ...
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Keywords: Pejeron Mor.jpg Painting Creator Anthonis Mor `Pejerón ' The Jester of the Count of Benavente and the Grand Duke of Alba The work is listed in the 1600 inventory of Madrid's Alcazar Palace as Pejerón the madman of the Count of Benavente with white stockings and jerkin and a deck of cards in his right hand It was kept in the Treasury Mor probably made this work during his last visit to Spain in 1559 The jester appears full-length standing with a dark background and no spatial references As he occupies all available space in the foreground it is difficult to know his true height He is sumptuously dressed in courtly clothing and only his large head short legs and deformed hand �the cards it holds symbolize leisure � bear witness to his condition and occupation the art of jest c 1560 Oil on panel cm 185 93 5 Institution Prado http //www museodelprado es/enciclopedia/enciclopedia-on-line/voz/moro-antonio-anton-van-dashorst-mor/ no_cache 1 Prado other versions PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1560c; Pejerón the Jester Anthonis Mor 16th-century portrait paintings in the Prado Museum Los truhanes 16th-century oil on panel paintings 16th-century oil portraits of standing men at full length Doublet clothing Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources Jerkin Male white shoes in portrait paintings Playing cards in art Pluderhose Portrait paintings of men wearing black berets Three-quarter view portrait paintings of men facing right
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