MAKE A MEME View Large Image Pella leaded tablet (katadesmos) 4th Century retouched.jpg Retouched version of Image Pella leaded tablet katadesmos 4th Century JPG which has the following description ---- A tablet katadesmos from Pella Cemetery of Agora now at the Museum ...
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Keywords: Pella leaded tablet (katadesmos) 4th Century retouched.jpg Retouched version of Image Pella leaded tablet katadesmos 4th Century JPG which has the following description ---- A tablet katadesmos from Pella Cemetery of Agora now at the Museum of Pella Size ca 30x6 cm unrolled First half of the 4th century BC The tablet made of lead was found rolled in the right hand of the dead man The text incised reveals to be a curse of magical and ritual meaning The language is classified as being a NW Greek dialect used in Macedonia before the half of the 4th century BC under the influence of Attic dialect syntax Text 1 ΘΕΤΙ� ΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΔΙΟ� ΥΣΟΦΩ� ΤΟΣ ΤΟ ΤΕΛΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΟ� ΓΑ� Ο� ΚΑΤΑΓΡΑΦΩ ΚΑΙ ΤΑ� ΑΛΛΑ� ΠΑΣΑ� ΓΥ 2 � ΑΙΚΩ� ΚΑΙ ΧΗΡΑ� ΚΑΙ ΠΑΡΘΕ� Ω� � ΑΛΙΣΤΑ ΔΕ ΘΕΤΙ� ΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΠΑΡΚΑΤΤΙΘΕ� ΑΙ � ΑΚΡΩ� Ι ΚΑΙ 3 ΤΟΙΣ ΔΑΙ� ΟΣΙ ΚΑΙ ΟΠΟΚΑ ΕΓΟ ΤΑΥΤΑ ΔΙΕΛΕΞΑΙ� Ι ΚΑΙ Α� ΑΓ� ΟΙΗ� ΠΑΛLΙ� Α� ΟΡΟΞΑΣΑ 4 ΤΟΚΑ ΓΑ� ΑΙ ΔΙΟ� ΥΣΟΦΩ� ΤΑ ΠΡΟΤΕΡΟ� ΔΕ � Η � Η ΓΑΡ ΛΑΒΟΙ ΑΛΛΑ� ΓΥ� ΑΙΚΑ ΑΛΛ Η Ε� Ε 5 Ε� Ε ΔΕ ΣΥ� ΚΑΤΑΓΗΡΑΣΑΙ ΔΙΟ� ΥΣΟΦΩ� ΤΙ ΚΑΙ � ΗΔΕ� ΙΑ� ΑΛΛΑ� ΙΚΕΤΙΣ Υ� Ω� ΓΙ� Ο 6 � ΑΙ ΦΙΛΑ� ΟΙΚΤΙΡΕΤΕ ΔΑΙ� Ο� ΕΣ ΦΙΛΟΙ ΔΑΓΙ� ΑΓΑΡΙ� Ε ΦΙΛΩ� ΠΑ� ΤΩ� ΚΑΙ ΕΡΗ� Α ΑΛΛΑ 7 Α ΦΥΛΑΣΣΕΤΕ Ε� Ι� ΟΠΩΣ � Η ΓΙ� ΕΤΑΙ ΤΑΥΤΑ ΚΑΙ ΚΑΚΑ ΚΑΚΩΣ ΘΕΤΙ� Α ΑΠΟΛΗΤΑΙ 8 ΑΛ- Υ� � ΕΣΠΛΗ� Ε� ΟΣ Ε� Ε ΔΕ ΕΥΔΑΙ� Ο� Α ΚΑΙ � ΑΚΑΡΙΑ� ΓΕ� ΕΣΤΑΙ 9 -ΤΟ - Ε Ε Ω Α Ε � ΕΓΕ - English translation as shown in the Museum of Pella see also http //www brynmawr edu/classics/redmonds/csts212w4 html Love Charms In Their Social Context at Bryn Mawr College «Of Thetima and Dionysophon the ritual wedding and the marriage I bind by a written spell as well as the marriage of all other women to him both widows and maidens but above all of Thetima; and I entrust this spell to Macron and to the daimones And were I ever to unfold and read these words again after digging the tablet up only then should Dionysophon marry not before; may he indeed not take another beside myself but let me alone grow old by the side of Dionysophon and no one else I implore you have pity for Phila dear daimones for I am indeed bereft of all my dear ones and abandoned But please keep this piece of writing for my sake so that these events do not happen and wretched Thetima perishes miserably --- but let me become happy and blessed --- » after E Voutyras Traduzione italiana da Tavola_di_Pella su it wikipedia org 1 Sulle nozze di Thetima e Dionysophon io invoco una maledizione su tutte le altre 2 donne vedove e vergini ma in particolare su Thetima e mi affido a Makron e 3 ai demoni che solo quando io scavo e srotolo e ri-leggo questo 4 possono loro sposare Dionysophon; ma non prima; e non possa lui sposare qualsiasi donna ma me; 5 e io possa diventare vecchia insieme a Dionysophon e nessun altro; Io sono la tua supplicante 6 Abbiate pietà della vostra cara Dagina cari demoni perché io sono abbandonata da tutti i miei cari 7 Ma tenete presente la mia causa in modo tale che questi eventi non accadano e la misera Thetima perisca miseramente 8 e a me concedete gioia e felicità Own 2008-04-07 Filos96 public domain <gallery> Image Pellatab jpg Original text Image Pella leaded tablet katadesmos 4th Century JPG The original picture </gallery> AM Pella leaded tablet katadesmos 4th Century JPG Cropped +contrast sharpened de Pella tablet
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