MAKE A MEME View Large Image Periodic table simple et bw.svg en Simple periodic table with localized element names and standard atomic weights IUPAC 2009 Temporarily converted to paths till fixing Wikipedia s font problem with DejaVu Sans Condensed but also the ...
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Keywords: Periodic table simple et bw.svg en Simple periodic table with localized element names and standard atomic weights IUPAC 2009 Temporarily converted to paths till fixing Wikipedia �s font problem with DejaVu Sans Condensed but also the previous version of this image works correctly outside of Wikipedia 2013-11-04 01 25 18 own László Németh Source code ; Created in LibreOffice 4 1 2 with this LibreLogo program ; Usage Put this code into an English language document in LibO Writer ; fix one program line for older LibreOffice versions see FIXME in the code ; and click on the Start icon of the View»Toolbars»Logo toolbar ; NEED INTERNET CONNECTION TO RUN THIS PROGRAM table data downloaded from Wikipedia lang input Language af ca cs de el en et fi fr it nl pt pt-br bw int input Color 0 COLORED 1 BLACK/WHITE ; Source pages http //www wikidata org/wiki/Q13584100 ; data fields Wikipedia page column of element names sorting by this column optional sources ru D0 A1 D0 BF D0 B8 D1 81 D0 BE D0 BA_ D1 85 D0 B8 D0 BC D0 B8 D1 87 D0 B5 D1 81 D0 BA D0 B8 D1 85_ D1 8D D0 BB D0 B5 D0 BC D0 B5 D0 BD D1 82 D0 BE D0 B2 2 fr Liste_des_ C3 A9l C3 A9ments_chimiques 2 de Liste_der_chemischen_Elemente 1 3 el CE 9A CE B1 CF 84 CE AC CE BB CE BF CE B3 CE BF CF 82_ CF 87 CE B7 CE BC CE B9 CE BA CF 8E CE BD_ CF 83 CF 84 CE BF CE B9 CF 87 CE B5 CE AF CF 89 CE BD_ CE BA CE B1 CF 84 CE AC_ CE B1 CF 84 CE BF CE BC CE B9 CE BA CF 8C_ CE B1 CF 81 CE B9 CE B8 CE BC CF 8C 2 it Elementi_per_numero_atomico 2 hu K C3 A9miai_elemek_list C3 A1ja 3 ca Llista_d 27elements_per_nombre_at C3 B2mic 2 no Grunnstoffliste 2 cs Seznam_chemick C3 BDch_prvk C5 AF 3 uk D0 A1 D0 BF D0 B8 D1 81 D0 BE D0 BA_ D1 85 D1 96 D0 BC D1 96 D1 87 D0 BD D0 B8 D1 85_ D0 B5 D0 BB D0 B5 D0 BC D0 B5 D0 BD D1 82 D1 96 D0 B2 2 et Keemiliste_elementide_loend 2 nl Lijst_van_elementen 2 3 fi Luettelo_alkuaineista 2 3 eo Listo_de_kemiaj_elementoj_la C5 AD_atomnumero 3 pt Anexo Lista_de_elementos_qu C3 ADmicos 2 sv Lista_ C3 B6ver_grund C3 A4mnen 2 3 af Lys_van_elemente_volgens_atoomgetal 2 pl Pierwiastki_chemiczne_wed C5 82ug_liczby_atomowej 2 IF lang en langpage sourceslang 20 langfield sourceslang 21 ; column with element names on the Wikipedia page IF COUNT sourceslang 2 3 langsort sourceslang 22 langsort 0 GLOBAL annotation posx posy size font font2 lang font DejaVu Sans font2 DejaVu Sans Condensed ; Wikimedia has got problem with it convert the result to path in Inkscape if needed posx 30 posy 40 size 42 ; load and process element data from Wikipedia embedded Python exec import urllib request exec data urllib request urlopen http //en wikipedia org/w/index php action raw title List_of_elements readlines exec table for j in i decode utf-8 replace style \\\ background-color 0x replace \\\ split for i in data if re match \ \d+ \ \ i decode utf-8 ; load and process other language data IF lang en exec data urllib request urlopen http // s wikipedia org/w/index php action raw title s readlines lang 2 langpage IF langsort > 0 exec langtable i decode utf-8 split d-1 split 0 split -1 strip \t split 0 split < 0 split 0 strip \t split -1 int i decode utf-8 split d-1 strip \t for i in data if re match \ \t \d+ \t \ \ i decode utf-8 langfield langsort exec import operator exec langtable sort key operator itemgetter 1 exec langtable i0 for i in langtable IF lang no exec data i decode utf-8 replace replace encode utf-8 for i in data IF lang pl exec data i decode utf-8 replace 0 replace � replace \x27 encode utf-8 for i in data exec langtable i decode utf-8 replace <td> replace </td> split d split / 0 strip split -1 split 0 for i in data if re match <tr><td> \ \d+ </td> \ \ i decode utf-8 langfield-1 langtable ; a few fixes table793 Mercury ; instead of Mercury element table117 24 31 ; Mg table257 55 85 ; Fe table637 157 3 ; Gd ; add missing positions TO the table FOR i IN RANGE 56 71 tablei5 i � 56 � 4 tablei6 8 5 FOR i IN RANGE 88 103 tablei5 i � 88 � 4 tablei6 9 5 IF lang pt OR lang pt-br FOR i in 1 Hidrogénio/Hidrogênio 7 Azoto/Nitrogênio 8 Oxigénio/Oxigênio 10 Néon/Neônio 18 Árgon/Argônio 33 Arsénio/Arsênio 34 Selénio/Selênio 36 Crípton/Criptônio 40 Zircóni/Zircôni 42 Molibdénio/Molibdênio 44 Ruténio/Rutênio 51 Antimónio/Antimônio 54 Xénon/Xenônio 74 Tungsténio/Tungstênio 75 Rénio/Rênio 86 Rádon/Radônio 93 Neptúnio/Netúnio 94 Plutónio/Plutônio 97 Berkélio/Berquélio 99 Einsténio/Einstênio 103 Laurêncio/Lawrêncio IF lang pt-br ptbr 1 ptbr 0 langtablei0-1 i1 split / ptbr ; helper functions TO width_of_last_object OUTPUT _ drawpage getByIndex _ drawpage getCount -1 getSize Width / 100 __MM_TO_PT__; IN PT END ; FIXME remove the space before the END TO delete_last_object _ drawpage remove _ drawpage getByIndex _ drawpage getCount -1 END TO element size d l18n bw PENUP POSITION posx + INT d5 size posy + FLOAT d6 size 1 2 HEADING 0 ; 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draw elements FOR i IN table element size i langtable bw int license-header cc-zero SVG periodic table Images with LibreLogo source code Created with LibreOffice Valid SVG Uploaded with UploadWizard
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