Keywords: Peter Graf von der Pahlen.jpg Portrait of Peter Graf von der Pahlen Пёт� Пет� ович Пален 1778-1864 russian Cavalry General reproduction of painting located in the Eremitage Военная гале� ея Зимнего Дво� ца 1822-1825 creator George Dawe Author more than 70 years dead Information about the Painting Title Portrait of Pyotr P Pahlen 1778-1864 1st Artist George Dawe Date between 1822 and 1825 Location Eremitage St Petersburg; The 1812 War Gallery the Winter Palace Oil on canvas 70x62 5 cm Source of information http //www hermitagemuseum org/fcgi-bin/db2www/descrPage mac/descrPage selLang English indexClass PICTURE_EN PID GJ-7909 numView 1 ID_NUM 2 thumbFile 2Ftmplobs 2FL9F2LMGUTGBRHHAO6 jpg embViewVer noEmb thumbId 6 numResults 3 author Dawe 2C 26 2332 3BGeorge comeFrom quick check tmCond pahlen searchIndex TAGFILEN Additional information http //www museum ru/1812/Persons/vgzd/vg_p04 html Notes The Eremitage Website http //www hermitagemuseum org/fcgi-bin/db2www/descrPage mac/descrPage selLang English indexClass PICTURE_EN PID GJ-7909 numView 1 ID_NUM 2 thumbFile 2Ftmplobs 2FL9F2LMGUTGBRHHAO6 jpg embViewVer noEmb thumbId 6 numResults 3 author Dawe 2C 26 2332 3BGeorge comeFrom quick check tmCond pahlen searchIndex TAGFILEN lists this as Portrait of Pavel P Pahlen 1775-1834 2nd Recent research has show this to be incorrect the correct painting of Pawel P Pahlen is Image Paul Carl Ernst Wilhelm Philipp Graf von der Pahlen jpg while this one shows Pyotr P Pahlen For this recent research refer to http //www museum ru/1812/Persons/vgzd/vg_p03 html and http //www museum ru/1812/Persons/vgzd/vg_p04 html the sources quoted there are «Слова� е � усских гене� алов участников боевых действий п� отив а� мии � аполеона Бонапа� та в 1812-1815 гг » Российский а� хив Т VII � � студия «ТРИТЭ» � � ихалкова 1996 Кибовский А В П� огулки по Э� митажу Загадки Военной гале� еи Зимнего Дво� ца Часть II // Цейхгауз 2001 ��3/15 с 28-29 PD-old-100 Portraits in the Military Gallery of the Winter Palace Peter von der Pahlen Portraits of hussars from Russia 1822 portrait paintings Pelisses Fur clothing of native people of Russia Sheepskin clothing Fur fashion in 1823 |