Keywords: Peter II (Kuskovo).jpg По� т� ет импе� ато� а Пет� а II � еизвестный � усский художник XVIII в Холст масло Portrait of w Peter II of Russia 1715-1730 century 18 Oil on canvas unknown http //www erfolg ru/gallery/dn htm other versions PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1730c; Peter II by unknown painters 18th-century unidentified painters from Russia 18th-century portrait paintings location missing Portraits of Peter II of Russia Ludden type Ludden 18th-century portrait paintings not categorised by year Male 18th-century oil on canvas paintings Portrait 18th-century oil portraits of men at half length in ceremonial costumes Allonge wigs in paintings Collar of the Order of St Andrew in portrait paintings Ermine clothing in art Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources Portraits of adolescent boys Right hand on hip in portrait paintings |