Keywords: Peter III by A.Antropov (1762, Tretyakov gallery).jpg Пет� III в мунди� е лейб-гва� дии П� еоб� аженского полка 1762 Portrait of w Peter III of Russia 1762 oil cm 250 179 Institution Tretyakov Gallery http //lj rossia org/users/john_petrov/399867 html После заве� шения по� т� ета Пет� а III выполненного по заказу Святейшего Синода А П Ант� опов пишет копию со своей � аботы для П� авительствующего Сената Позднее в 1928 году че� ез Госуда� ственный музейный фонд по� т� ет попал в Т� етьяковскую гале� ею Художнику за этот по� т� ет были выплачены из� ядные по тому в� емени деньги � 400 � ублей Инв �� 10877 <gallery>Peter III by A Antropov 1762 Tretyakov gallery variation - Google Art Project jpg Peter III by A Antropov 1762 Russian museum jpg Peter III by A Antropov 1762 Sergiev Posad jpg</gallery> PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT Peter III of Russia Art works uploaded by Andrew Butko from various sources 1000-1999 px on long side Paintings by Alexey Antropov in the Tretyakov Gallery 18th-century portraits in the Tretyakov Gallery Romanovs Portraits of Peter III of Russia Antropov A 1760s portrait paintings of Russia 1762 portrait paintings Male 18th-century oil portraits of standing men at full length wearing military uniforms 1762 Columns in portrait paintings 1762 Drapery in portrait paintings 1762 Ermine clothing in art Elizabeth of Russia's crown Fur fashion in 1762 Imperial orbs of Russia Imperial sceptres of Russia Knights of Order of St Andrew Left hand on hip in portrait paintings 1762 Male boots in portrait paintings 1762 Originals of images from Russian portraits by Nicholas Mikhailovich Romanov Paintings by Alexey Antropov with fur Portrait paintings in 18th century military uniforms of Russia Portrait paintings of men with armchairs 1762 Portrait paintings of men with crowns on cushions 1762 Portrait paintings of men with swords 1762 Portrait paintings of men with tables 1762 Portrait paintings of men holding marshal's baton 1762 Preobrazhensky Guard Regiment Tassels in portrait paintings 1762 Waist sashes in art 1762 |