MAKE A MEME View Large Image Phönizisch-5Sprachen.svg Das phönizische Alphabet mittlere Säule ist die Mutter verschiedener heutiger Alphabete V l n r lateinisch griechisch phönizisch hebräisch arabisch <br />Die modernen Äquivalente der phönizischen Buchstaben ...
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Keywords: Phönizisch-5Sprachen.svg Das phönizische Alphabet mittlere Säule ist die Mutter verschiedener heutiger Alphabete V l n r lateinisch griechisch phönizisch hebräisch arabisch <br />Die modernen Äquivalente der phönizischen Buchstaben stehen auf selber Höhe wie die �Originale in der mittleren Spalte <br />Verwandte Buchstaben sind im gleichen Farbton hinterlegt Pfeile ordnen Buchstaben ihrem jeweiligen Äquivalent zu The Phoenician alphabet and its equivalents in four modern alphabets From left to right Latin Greek Phoenician Hebrew Arabic <br/> Legend In the middle column you'll find the original Phoenician letters with their modern equivalents in other languages in the same row Each Phoenician letter has its own color Arrows also relate letters to their equivalents Note in the original the letters shown in the boxes with gradients had cross-hatching <br/> Greek letters in red are obsolete in the most familiar Classical Ionic form of the Greek alphabet<br> Note that the Arabic letter sin س does not actually derive from Aramaic samekh/semkath ס ; both the Arabic letters س and ش derive from Aramaic shin ש Alfabeto fenicio O alfabeto fenício e seus equivalentes em quatro alfabetos modernos Da esquerda para a direnta latino grego fenício hebraico e árabe <br/> Legenda na coluna do meio encontram-se as letras fenícias originais com seus equivalentes modernos em outras línguas na mesma linha Cada letra fenícia tem sua própria cor Setas ligam letras aos seus equivalentes Финикийскй алфавит и его эквиваленты в 4 сов� еменных алфавитах Слева нап� аво латинский г� еческий финикийский ив� ит а� абский <br/> Легенда в с� едней колонке - о� игинальные финикийские буквы по ст� окам - их сов� еменные эквиваленты в д� угих языках У каждой финикийской буквы свой цвет Ст� елки показывают связи букв со своими эквивалентами own original text I created this work entirely by myself 1 2009-06-09 Zander Schubert Phönizisch-5Sprachen png Original raster version ZanderSchubert original upload log en wikipedia ArwinJ page en wikipedia Ph C3 B6nizisch-5Sprachen svg 2009-10-06 08 05 ZanderSchubert 371×1112× 161393 bytes <nowiki>Changing colours of X Phi Chi Psi and Omega to ease readability and correct coding error on Nu/Nun squares</nowiki> 2009-06-09 08 08 ZanderSchubert 371×1112× 160921 bytes <nowiki> The Phoenician alphabet and its equivalents in four modern alphabets From left to right Latin Greek Phoenician Hebrew Arabic <br/> Legend In the middle column you'll find the original Phoenician letters with their </nowiki> ImageNote 1 15 3 65 1099 371 1112 2 Latn ImageNoteEnd 1 ImageNote 2 81 1 67 1103 371 1112 2 Grek ImageNoteEnd 2 ImageNote 3 150 1 65 877 371 1112 2 Phoe ImageNoteEnd 3 ImageNote 4 215 1 65 881 371 1112 2 Hebr ImageNoteEnd 4 ImageNote 5 281 1 85 1105 371 1112 2 Arab ImageNoteEnd 5 Phoenician alphabet Alphabets Typeset tables with Arabic script Typeset tables with Hebrew script Typeset tables with Greek script Alphabet charts Historical development of letters
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