Keywords: owen, blanton owenblanton great gulf coast arts festival greatgulfcoastartsfestival goodson, ida goodsonida escambia county escambiacounty pensacola music material culture materialculture african american musicians africanamericanmusicians festivals folk festivals folkfestivals folklore revival festivals folklorerevivalfestivals african american women africanamericanwomen arts (performing) artsperforming musical instruments musicalinstruments blues musicians bluesmusicians women musicians womenmusicians blues piano gospel musicians gospelmusicians african american gospel singers africanamericangospelsingers musical traditions musicaltraditions gospel music gospelmusic gospel folk musicians folkmusicians folk music folkmusic ethnicity songs women women pianists womenpianists piano music pianomusic florida people Local call number: FS861335 Title: Pianist Ida Goodson performing at the Great Gulf Coast Arts Festival in Pensacola Date: November 3, 1984 Physical descrip: 1 slide - col. Series Title: Folklife Collection Repository: State Library and Archives of Florida, 500 S. Bronough St., Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 USA. Contact: 850.245.6700. [email protected] Persistent URL: Local call number: FS861335 Title: Pianist Ida Goodson performing at the Great Gulf Coast Arts Festival in Pensacola Date: November 3, 1984 Physical descrip: 1 slide - col. Series Title: Folklife Collection Repository: State Library and Archives of Florida, 500 S. Bronough St., Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 USA. Contact: 850.245.6700. [email protected] Persistent URL: |