Keywords: Pierre Puvis de Chavannes - Esquisse pour „Le pauvre pêcheur“.jpg Artwork Creator Pierre Puvis de Chavannes 1879 oil canvas cm 66 91 Pushkin Museum langSwitch Гале� ея искусства ст� ан Ев� опы и Аме� ики XIX-XX вв Gallery of European and American Art XIX-XX centuries http //www arts-museum ru/data/fonds/europe_and_america/j/2001_3000/6095_Bednyy_rybak/index php lang ru coll 929 � узей изоб� азительных искусств им А С Пушкина object history credit line accession number Ж-3324 47990 thumb left The painting in the Musée d �Orsay Paris PD-old-100-1923 1898 DEFAULTSORT Pierre Puvis de Chavannes The Poor Fisherman Pushkin Museum The Poor Fisherman French paintings in the Pushkin Museum Post-Impressionist paintings in Pushkin museum 1870s paintings from France 1879 paintings Sergey Schukin's collection |