MAKE A MEME View Large Image Pityriasis rosea-1.jpg en The herald lesion is the superior plaque on this photograph It is located on the right lateral crural region of patient's leg Here 3 weeks after initial discovery Pityriasis rosea usually begins with a large scaly ...
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Keywords: Pityriasis rosea-1.jpg en The herald lesion is the superior plaque on this photograph It is located on the right lateral crural region of patient's leg Here 3 weeks after initial discovery Pityriasis rosea usually begins with a large scaly pink patch on the chest or back which is called a herald or mother patch It is frequently confused with ringworm but antifungal creams do not help because it is not a fungus Within a week or two more pink patches appear on the chest back arms and legs Patches may also occur on the neck but rarely on the face Pityriasis rosea often requires no treatment and it usually goes away by itself However treatment may include external or internal medications for itching American Academy of Dermatology 2003 bg � айчината плака на заболяването е по-високата плака и е на 21 дни след пъ� воначалното отк� иване � ами� а се въ� ху десния лате� ален пищял на пациента �Pityriasis rosea e честа доб� окачествена папулосквамозна де� матоза описана за пъ� ви път от Camilli Melchior Gibert п� ез 1860 год Pityriasis обозначава д� ебно залющване а rosea се п� евежда като � озово оцветяване Pityriasis rosea може да има няколко ва� ианта � е са изоли� ани бакте� ии ви� уси или гъби като п� ичинители на заболяването Каваклиева С Д-� ; Ред Цанков � П� оф дмн 2008 Own Aceofhearts1968 2008-12-17 Pityriasis rosea
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