Keywords: Plane crew in front of plane history photo.jpg en <br/> Image title Boeing YL-15 Piper PA-20 of USFWS Plane crew in front of plane history photo Agents Tremblay and Allen at Minto Flats Note 3 Tremblay and US Commissioner Allen and three local residents Aircraft used in apprehension and conviction of violators N702 and N783 April 1954 Jim King Collection Image from Public domain images website http //www public-domain-image com/full-image/vintage-photography-public-domain-images-pictures/history-photography-pictures/plane-crew-in-front-of-plane-history-photo jpg html http //www public-domain-image com/public-domain-images-pictures-free-stock-photos/vintage-photography-public-domain-images-pictures/history-photography-pictures/plane-crew-in-front-of-plane-history-photo jpg U S Fish and Wildlife Service 1954-04 Transferred by Fæ on 2013-02-26 This file is in public domain not copyrighted no rights reserved free for any use You can use this picture for any use including commercial purposes without the prior written permission and without fee or obligation PD-USGov-FWS 1954 in Alaska April 1954 in the United States Black and white photographs Black and white photographs of aircraft in the United States Images uploaded by Fæ Minto Alaska N702 aircraft N783 aircraft People of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service Public-domain-image com Ski-equipped aircraft United States Fish and Wildlife Service aircraft Boeing L-15 Scout |