MAKE A MEME View Large Image Plaque bee-goddess BM GR1860.4-123.4.jpg Bee-goddess perhaps associated with Artemis above female heads Gold plaques 7th century BC Déesse abeille peut-être associée à Artémis Plaques en or VIIe siècle av J -C Богиня-бджол...
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Keywords: Plaque bee-goddess BM GR1860.4-123.4.jpg Bee-goddess perhaps associated with Artemis above female heads Gold plaques 7th century BC Déesse abeille peut-être associée à Artémis Plaques en or VIIe siècle av J -C Богиня-бджола можливо пов`язана з А� темідою Золоті п� ик� аси 7 ст до Р Х Museum British Museum Main floor room 13 Greek Rome object history credit line accession number GR 1860 4-123 4 Cat Jewellery 1118 1119 Jastrow 2006 other versions Ancient Greek jewellery in the United Kingdom Greek antiquities in the British Museum Room 20 British Museum 7th century BC Jewellery in the British Museum
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