MAKE A MEME View Large Image ...Ploughed Land' by Camille Pissarro, 1874, oil on canvas, Pushkin Museum.JPG Artwork Creator Camille Pissarro 1874 oil on canvas Size cm 64 49 Institution Pushkin Museum Отдел искусства ст� ан Ев� опы и Аме� ики ... MemeMaker
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Keywords: 'Ploughed Land' by Camille Pissarro, 1874, oil on canvas, Pushkin Museum.JPG Artwork Creator Camille Pissarro 1874 oil on canvas Size cm 64 49 Institution Pushkin Museum Отдел искусства ст� ан Ев� опы и Аме� ики XIX-XX вв object history exhibition history credit line accession number Ж-3402 place of creation http //www arts-museum ru/data/fonds/europe_and_america/j/2001_3000/6092_Vspahannaya_zemlya_pashnya/index php Госуда� ственный музей изоб� азительных искусств им А С Пушкина �� Коллекции �� Вспаханная земля пашня Q21552822 PD-old-100 Impressionist paintings in the Pushkin museum Pissarro French paintings in the Pushkin Museum Pissarro 1874 paintings by Camille Pissarro Paintings by Camille Pissarro in the Pushkin Museum Pissarro
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