Keywords: Pope Julius II.jpg Artwork Q11918714 Creator Raffaello Sanzio title Porträt Papst Julius II Portrait of Pope Julius II Papa Julio II Pape Jules II Ritratto di Giulio II Papież Juliusz II Retrato do Papa Júlio II По� т� ет папы Юлия II 1511 Oil poplar cm 108 7 81 Institution National Gallery London 8 http //cima ng-london org uk/documentation/files/N-0027/02_Provenance/Dunkerton_Roy_2004 pdf Portrait of Pope Julius II Raphael 1483-1520 NG27 x-ray examination<br>http //web archive org/web/20120125072040/http //www 3pipe net/2011/12/portrait-of-julius-ii-raphael-case html Hasan Niyazi Portrait of Julius II - a Raphael case study<br>http //www wga hu/frames-e html /html/r/raphael/5roma/1/09julius html Web Gallery of Art object history Angerstein Collection en original with copies in the Uffizi and Palazzo Pitti accession number NG27 http //www nationalgallery org uk/paintings/raphael-portrait-of-pope-julius-ii National Gallery London Assessments 1 Pope Julius II PD-old-100 ImageNote 1 2009 732 363 616 3110 4226 2 info Della Rovere in italian means of Oak tree in english ImageNoteEnd 1 Julius II portrait by Raffaello Sanzio 00 13 24 July 2011 UTC Pope Julius II jpg DEFAULTSORT Raphael Pope Julius II Julius II portrait by Raffaello Sanzio 16th-century portrait paintings in the National Gallery London Italian Renaissance paintings in the National Gallery London Paintings by Raphael in the National Gallery London 1511 portrait paintings Raffaello Sanzio Pope Julius II Valued images of people of Italy |