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Keywords: Portrait of girl - Google Art Project.jpg commons date commons medium commons dimensions commons institution commons location commons references commons object_history commons exhibition_history commons credit_line commons inscriptions commons notes commons accession_number commons source commons permission commons other_versions commons zoom core title Portrait of girl core creator Unknown core date dateCreated 1627 core format w84 x h142 cm core type Painting core relation http //www digitaltmuseum se/things/portrtt/S-NM/NM 0077239 core rights Photo Bertil Wreting ©Nordiska museet c-09caf48a customtext more_information During the seventeenth century it was primarily the higher social classes that had portraits commissioned but portraits became increasingly common among other groups as prosperity increased during Sweden's time as a great power This girl's high status is marked by the crown on her head the expensive dress and the jewellery she is wearing The painting shows the conventional way in which girls were depicted in the early 1600s full-length in ankle-length dress turned slightly to the side against a backdrop of heavy falling drapery The girl is wearing a necklace and bracelets of pearls � the latter worn in pairs according to the fashion of the time � and her hands are holding her gloves and a feather fan The tiled floor facilitated the introduction of perspective into the painting and made it possible to mark the depth of the room Based on the inscription on the portrait it was previously assumed that the portrait was of Queen Kristina of Sweden for which artist Cornelius Arendtz received 20 crowns in payment in 1632 Today this attribution is hotly debated as restoration has shown that the painting was reworked afterwards and the original year of 1627 in the inscription had been changed to 1632 The crown appears to be original however and of the royal children depicted at the end of the 16th and start of the 17th century only Kristina would have worn a crown Kristina was born in 1626 as the only child of King Gustav II Adolf She became queen shortly before her sixth birthday in 1632 If the portrait truly depicts Kristina it is the only known portrait of her completed before her father King Gustav II Adolf's death Unknown artist possibly Cornelius Arendtz google display_date 1627 google is_artproject TRUE google is_gigapixel FALSE google is_secured TRUE google partner/id 0000000009caf48a google partner/name Nordiska Museet google picasa_token PCst6M3u9ZwwWSNYv-jSY-QUsJg special url_id 7QHSaJXtQfwU0w special partner/name_no_lang Nordiska Museet PD-old-100-1923 Google Art Project works by unknown artist 1627 portrait paintings Google Art Project works in Nordiska Museet
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