Keywords: Portrait of Sophia Botkina 1899.jpg Софья � ихайловна Боткина жена купца и коллекционе� а Пет� а Дмит� иевича Боткина Portrait of female Sophia Botkina 1899 Oil on canvas Institution Russian Museum http //podol ru/serov/ other versions <gallery>File Serov Botkina jpg</gallery> PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1899; Sophia Botkina Images by Albedo-ukr Female portraits by Valentin Serov Botkina 19th-century portraits in the Russian Museum House of Botkin 1890s oil on canvas paintings in Russia 1899 oil on canvas paintings 1899 portrait paintings 1890s portraits of Russia female 19th-century oil portraits of sitting women at full length 19th-century portrait paintings with dogs 19th-century women of Russia Couches in portrait paintings Female shoes in portrait paintings Females with earrings in art Portrait paintings of women with dogs Women with necklaces in art |