MAKE A MEME View Large Image ...Portrait of Woody Herman, Chubby Jackson, and Abraham Rosen, Carnegie Hall(?), New York, N.Y., ca. Apr. 1946) (LOC) (5019789769).jpg Gottlieb William P 1917- photographer Portrait of Woody Herman Chubby Jackson and Abraham Rosen Carnegie ... MemeMaker
View Original:(Portrait_of_Woody_Herman,_Chubby_Jackson,_and_Abraham_Rosen,_Carnegie_Hall(?),_New_York,_N.Y.,_ca._Apr._1946)_(LOC)_(5019789769).jpg (1024x1336)
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Keywords: (Portrait of Woody Herman, Chubby Jackson, and Abraham Rosen, Carnegie Hall(?), New York, N.Y., ca. Apr. 1946) (LOC) (5019789769).jpg Gottlieb William P 1917- photographer Portrait of Woody Herman Chubby Jackson and Abraham Rosen Carnegie Hall New York N Y ca Apr 1946 1 negative b w ; 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 in Caption from Down Beat Prior to Woody Herman's recent very successful Carnegie Hall concert the band put in several days of serious rehearsing of both their own jump numbers and in particular on Igor Stravinsky's Ebony Concerto Top photo shows Walter Hendl rehearsing the Herd he conducted the Concerto at the concert and during the air premiere while at the bottom Chubby Jackson doesn't seem to dig the addition of the harp which was used in the number Abraham Rosen is the harpist the third figure of course is Woody Musicians in the top shot are Tony Aless piano; Bill Bauer guitar; Chubby Jackson bass; Don Lamond drums; Woody Herman clarinet; and Flip Phillips tenor Notes Gottlieb Collection Assignment No 403 Reference print available in Music Division Library of Congress Purchase William P Gottlieb Forms part of William P Gottlieb Collection Library of Congress In 'Twas not all for naught Down Beat v 13 no 9 Apr 22 1946 p 3 Subjects Herman Woody 1913-1987 Jackson Chubby Rosen Abraham Jazz musicians--1940-1950 Clarinetists--1940-1950 Double bassists--1940-1950 Harpists--1940-1950 Carnegie Hall Format Portrait photographs--1940-1950 Cityscape photographs--1940-1950 Film negatives--1940-1950 Rights Info Mr Gottlieb has dedicated these works to the public domain but rights of privacy and publicity may apply http //lcweb2 loc gov/diglib/ihas/html/gottlieb/gottlieb-copyright html lcweb2 loc gov/diglib/ihas/html/gottlieb/gottlieb-copyrig Repository negative Library of Congress Prints Photographs Division Washington D C 20540 USA http //hdl loc gov/loc pnp/pp print hdl loc gov/loc pnp/pp print reference print Library of Congress Music Division Washington D C 20540 USA http //loc gov/rr/perform/ loc gov/rr/perform/ Part Of William P Gottlieb Collection DLC 99-401005 General information about the Gottlieb Collection is available at http //lcweb2 loc gov/diglib/ihas/html/gottlieb/gottlieb-home html lcweb2 loc gov/diglib/ihas/html/gottlieb/gottlieb-home html Persistent URL http //hdl loc gov/loc music/gottlieb 04081 hdl loc gov/loc music/gottlieb 04081 Call Number LC-GLB13- 0408<br/> PD-Gottlieb https //www flickr com/photos/library_of_congress/5019789769/ Portrait of Woody Herman Chubby Jackson and Abraham Rosen Carnegie Hall New York N Y ca Apr 1946 LOC https //www flickr com/people/8623220 N02 The Library of Congress http //www loc gov/rr/print/195_copr html noknown The Library of Congress Flickr Commons Flickr-no known copyright restrictions The Library of Congress https //flickr com/photos/8623220 N02/5019789769 2015-09-02 00 07 23 pd Photographs by William P Gottlieb Chubby Jackson Abraham Rosen Woody Herman (Portrait of Woody Herman, Chubby Jackson, and Abraham Rosen, Carnegie Hall(?), New York, N.Y., ca. Apr. 1946) (LOC) (5019789769).jpg Gottlieb William P 1917- photographer Portrait of Woody Herman Chubby Jackson and Abraham Rosen Carnegie Hall New York N Y ca Apr 1946 1 negative b w ; 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 in Caption from Down Beat Prior to Woody Herman's recent very successful Carnegie Hall concert the band put in several days of serious rehearsing of both their own jump numbers and in particular on Igor Stravinsky's Ebony Concerto Top photo shows Walter Hendl rehearsing the Herd he conducted the Concerto at the concert and during the air premiere while at the bottom Chubby Jackson doesn't seem to dig the addition of the harp which was used in the number Abraham Rosen is the harpist the third figure of course is Woody Musicians in the top shot are Tony Aless piano; Bill Bauer guitar; Chubby Jackson bass; Don Lamond drums; Woody Herman clarinet; and Flip Phillips tenor Notes Gottlieb Collection Assignment No 403 Reference print available in Music Division Library of Congress Purchase William P Gottlieb Forms part of William P Gottlieb Collection Library of Congress In 'Twas not all for naught Down Beat v 13 no 9 Apr 22 1946 p 3 Subjects Herman Woody 1913-1987 Jackson Chubby Rosen Abraham Jazz musicians--1940-1950 Clarinetists--1940-1950 Double bassists--1940-1950 Harpists--1940-1950 Carnegie Hall Format Portrait photographs--1940-1950 Cityscape photographs--1940-1950 Film negatives--1940-1950 Rights Info Mr Gottlieb has dedicated these works to the public domain but rights of privacy and publicity may apply http //lcweb2 loc gov/diglib/ihas/html/gottlieb/gottlieb-copyright html lcweb2 loc gov/diglib/ihas/html/gottlieb/gottlieb-copyrig Repository negative Library of Congress Prints Photographs Division Washington D C 20540 USA http //hdl loc gov/loc pnp/pp print hdl loc gov/loc pnp/pp print reference print Library of Congress Music Division Washington D C 20540 USA http //loc gov/rr/perform/ loc gov/rr/perform/ Part Of William P Gottlieb Collection DLC 99-401005 General information about the Gottlieb Collection is available at http //lcweb2 loc gov/diglib/ihas/html/gottlieb/gottlieb-home html lcweb2 loc gov/diglib/ihas/html/gottlieb/gottlieb-home html Persistent URL http //hdl loc gov/loc music/gottlieb 04081 hdl loc gov/loc music/gottlieb 04081 Call Number LC-GLB13- 0408<br/> PD-Gottlieb https //www flickr com/photos/library_of_congress/5019789769/ Portrait of Woody Herman Chubby Jackson and Abraham Rosen Carnegie Hall New York N Y ca Apr 1946 LOC https //www flickr com/people/8623220 N02 The Library of Congress http //www loc gov/rr/print/195_copr html noknown The Library of Congress Flickr Commons Flickr-no known copyright restrictions The Library of Congress https //flickr com/photos/8623220 N02/5019789769 2015-09-02 00 07 23 pd Photographs by William P Gottlieb Chubby Jackson Abraham Rosen Woody Herman
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