Keywords: Profile of Alexandra Pavlovna by D. Levitzky (1791, Yaroslavl).jpg Portrait of female w Grand Duchess Alexandra Pavlovna of Russia По� т� ет великой княжны Александ� ы Павловны в детском воз� асте 1791 г Левицкий Дмит� ий Г� иго� ьевич 1735-1822 1791 Oil on canvas Institution Yaroslavl Art Museum http //artmuseum yar ru/index php/Живопись Я� ославский художественный музей other versions PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1791; Alexandra Pavlovna Female portraits by Dmitry Levitzky Paintings in Yaroslavl Art Museum Alexandra Pavlovna of Russia in portraits 1791 1790s oil on canvas paintings in Russia Category 1791 oil on canvas paintings 1791 portrait paintings 18th-century oil portraits of women at half length 18th-century profile portraits of women Females with hair flowers in art Painted portraits of Grand Duchesses of Russia Profile portraits of Russian rulers Sash of the Order of St Catherine in portrait paintings |