Keywords: Project 1134B Kerch 2009 G1.jpg QualityImage Kerch cruiser 00 12 27 February 2010 UTC Project 1134B Kerch 2009 G1 jpg 44 62 33 53 Large ASW Destroyer also known as cruiser Kerch Kara class Project 1134B At the moment the photo was taken it belongs to th 30-th brigade of the surface ships of the Black Sea fleet Photo taken in Sevastopol bay from a boat Le Kerch un grand croiseur de la classe Kara Ce croiseur fait partie de la flotte russe de la mer noire Photo prise à Sébastopol depuis un bateau Большой п� отиволодочный ко� абль Ке� чь П� оект 1134-Б � а момент фотог� афии входит в состав 30-й дивизии надводных ко� аблей ЧФ России Фото сделано в бухте Севастополя own George Chernilevsky 2009-07-22 Kerch ship 1972 Soviet and Russian Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol Taken with Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ5 Images by George Chernilevsky Quality Images by George Chernilevsky Valued Images by George Chernilevsky Ships facing left |