MAKE A MEME View Large Image Project 1164 Moskva 2012 G4.jpg en Moskva Moscow ex- Slava which means Glory is the lead ship of the Project 1164 Atlant class of guided missile cruisers in the Russian Navy This warship was used in the 2008 Russia-Georgia War The Black Sea ...
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Keywords: Project 1164 Moskva 2012 G4.jpg en Moskva Moscow ex- Slava which means Glory is the lead ship of the Project 1164 Atlant class of guided missile cruisers in the Russian Navy This warship was used in the 2008 Russia-Georgia War The Black Sea Sevastopol bay This photo was taken from a boat Deuxième Guerre d'Ossétie du Sud ru Российский � акетный к� ейсе� � осква - головной ко� абль п� оекта 1164 Атлант Пост� оен на судост� оительном заводе имени 61 коммуна� а в � иколаеве под именем Слава После списания п� отиволодочного к� ейсе� а � осква п� оекта 1123 унаследовал его имя и стал флагманом Че� номо� ского флота России Фото сделано в бухте Севастополя Güdümlü füze kruvazörü Moskva 1983'de Slava sınıfı güdümlü füze kruvazörünün birinci gemisi Slava adıyla Sovyet Deniz Kuvvetleri'nin hizmetine giren Moskva günümüzde Rusya Federasyonu Deniz Kuvvetleri Karadeniz Filosu'nun bayrak gemisidir Sivastopol 2012 2012-07-26 12 19 06 own George Chernilevsky other versions Assessment QualityImage Slava ship 1979 Soviet and Russian Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol Hetman Sahaidachnyi ship 1992 Slavutych ship 1992 Sevastopol Bay Taken with Canon EOS 550D Images by George Chernilevsky Quality Images by George Chernilevsky Quality images of Sevastopol
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