MAKE A MEME View Large Image ...The Side Door' on her birthday proper. This is my starter - a fabulous ham hock and rabbit terrine. Now I just need to consider what the results of a huge meal eaten late is going to be on my fasting glucose test at seven o'clock tomorrow ...
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Keywords: birthday party birthdayparty fab starter fabstarter ham hock terrine hamhockterrine project 365 project365 the side door thesidedoor indoor food It's part two of Viki's celebrations tonight with a meal at 'The Side Door' on her birthday proper. This is my starter - a fabulous ham hock and rabbit terrine. Now I just need to consider what the results of a huge meal eaten late is going to be on my fasting glucose test at seven o'clock tomorrow morning! :) It's part two of Viki's celebrations tonight with a meal at 'The Side Door' on her birthday proper. This is my starter - a fabulous ham hock and rabbit terrine. Now I just need to consider what the results of a huge meal eaten late is going to be on my fasting glucose test at seven o'clock tomorrow morning! :)
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