Keywords: Pulman after Batoni02.jpeg after <br/>И Пульман с о� игинала П Батони 1782 г По� т� еты Великой княгини � а� ии Федо� овны и Великого князя Павла Пет� овича И Пульман 1782 � 1787 гг с о� игинала П Батони 1782 г 1782 � 1787 гг oil on canvas Gallery http //rostislava livejournal com/10036 html other versions <gallery> File Paul I by Batoni jpg File Pulman_after_Batoni01 jpeg </gallery> PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1782-1782;1 Paul I of Russia Male portraits by Pompeo Batoni 18th-century portrait paintings location missing Portraits of Paul I as Grand Duke 1780s portrait paintings Male 1780s portrait paintings of Russia 18th-century oil portraits of sitting men at full length Armchairs in portrait paintings Badges of chivalric orders in portrait paintings Carpets in portrait paintings Pendant portraits Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources Habit à la française in portrait paintings Male shoes in portrait paintings Portraits with paper sheets Statues in portrait paintings Purple clothing in art male Red drapery in portrait paintings Sashes of chivalric orders in portrait paintings Tables in portrait paintings |