Keywords: PZSL1907Page398.png Elephas africanus orleansi <small>Lydekker</small> Somaliland Loxodonta africana <small> Blumenbach 1797 </small> �� en Right ear of adult male African Bush Elephant from the Horn of Africa region in the Wood Norton collection of Prince Philippe Duke of Orléans Holotype of E a orleansi Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London http //archive org/details/proceedingsofzoo19071446zool vol 1907 issue 2 http //archive org/stream/proceedingsofzoo19071446zool page/398/mode/1up page 398 1907 R Lyekker text PD-old PZSL 1907-2 Loxodonta africana heads Fauna of Northeast Tropical Africa Mammal ears Auricles anatomy Taxidermied elephants hunting trophies Type illustrations Prince Philippe Duke of Orléans Charlton Worcestershire |