MAKE A MEME View Large Image Red kurdistan 1923 1929.png en Map of Kurdistan Uyezd Red Kurdistan Kurdistan Autonomous Province from 1923 to 1929 own PANONIAN Cc-zero References Main references - historical maps http //www institutkurde org/images/cartes_and_maps/...
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Keywords: Red kurdistan 1923 1929.png en Map of Kurdistan Uyezd Red Kurdistan Kurdistan Autonomous Province from 1923 to 1929 own PANONIAN Cc-zero References Main references - historical maps http //www institutkurde org/images/cartes_and_maps/red_kurdistan jpg Historical map created by http //kurdistanica com/ q node/19 professor Mehrdad R Izady one of the most prominent native Kurdish historians Izady finished his BA degree in History Political Science and Geography at Kansas State University in 1976 http //modersmal skolutveckling se/nordkurdiska/kurdmap/images/Red 20Kurdistan-and 20Administrative 20Division 20of 20Southcentral 20Caucasus_gif_gif jpg http //pukmedia co/russi/images/stories/gallery/dr-messsr/red_kurdistan jpg http //www kurdmedia com/pix/kurdistan_map_red_main jpg http //gulf2000 columbia edu/images/maps/Caucasus_and_the_Soviet_Red_Kurdistan_lg jpg http //smi2 ru/data/images/385795 jpeg http //www iriston com/books/cuciev_-_etno_atlas/maps/map22 jpg References that mention Red Kurdistan http //books google com/books id OUlnYdOHJ3wC pg PA140 dq 22red+kurdistan 22 hl en ei jVCgTcatCcfKswa9t8HnAQ sa X oi book_result ct result resnum 1 ved 0CCoQ6AEwAA v onepage q 22red 20kurdistan 22 f false Levon Chorbajian Patrick Donabédian Claude Mutafian The Caucasian knot the history geopolitics of Nagorno-Karabagh Zed Books 1994 page 140 http //books google com/books id yxFP6K8iZzQC pg PA200 dq 22red+kurdistan 22 hl en ei jVCgTcatCcfKswa9t8HnAQ sa X oi book_result ct result resnum 4 ved 0CDoQ6AEwAw v onepage q 22red 20kurdistan 22 f false Charlotte Hille State Building and Conflict Resolution in the Caucasus BRILL 2010 page 200 http //books google com/books id u9ptAAAAMAAJ q 22red+kurdistan 22 dq 22red+kurdistan 22 hl en ei L1KgTdKQH8j0sgbfyunuAQ sa X oi book_result ct result resnum 3 ved 0CDMQ6AEwAjgK Christopher J Walker Armenia and Karabagh the struggle for unity Minority Rights Group 1991 page 114 References that mention Kurdish Autonomous Province http //books google com/books id izQFFkIF6mMC pg PA17 dq 22kurdish+autonomous+province 22 hl en ei ZkygTc-uLcfMswb4svDmAQ sa X oi book_result ct result resnum 2 sqi 2 ved 0CDgQ6AEwAQ v onepage q 22kurdish 20autonomous 20province 22 f false Lokman I Meho The Kurds and Kurdistan a selective and annotated bibliography ABC-CLIO 1997 page 17 http //books google com/books id dgDi9qFT41oC pg PA492 dq 22kurdish+autonomous+province 22 hl en ei ZkygTc-uLcfMswb4svDmAQ sa X oi book_result ct result resnum 7 sqi 2 ved 0CE4Q6AEwBg v onepage q 22kurdish 20autonomous 20province 22 f false David McDowall A modern history of the Kurds I B Tauris 2000 page 492 References that mention Kurdistan Uyezd Русский Ку� дистанский уезд Те� � ито� иальное и админист� ативное деление Союза ССР на 1-е янва� я 1926 года � а� одный комисса� иат внут� енних дел Статический Отдел Издательства Главного Уп� авления Коммунального Хозяйства � КВД � осква - 1926 С 191 Territorial and administrative division of the USSR for 1st January 1926 Publishing house of NKVD Page 191 For downloading book in 5 parts of WinDjView file http //www soldat ru/admdel/ СССР - янва� ь 1926 г http //books google com/books id Ey0MAQAAMAAJ q 22kurdistan+uyezd 22 dq 22kurdistan+uyezd 22 hl en ei wjKjTYvrE4XGswbT6uztAg sa X oi book_result ct result resnum 3 ved 0CC8Q6AEwAg Central Asia and The Caucasus Information and Analytical Center 2003 Issues 22-24 page 75 http //books google com/books id ZYvwAAAAMAAJ q 22kurdistan+uyezd 22 dq 22kurdistan+uyezd 22 hl en ei wjKjTYvrE4XGswbT6uztAg sa X oi book_result ct result resnum 4 ved 0CDMQ6AEwAw United States Foreign Broadcast Information Service Daily report Soviet Union Issues 147-153 The Service 1990 page 49 Maps of the history of Kurdish people Maps of the history of Azerbaijan Maps of the history of Nagorno-Karabakh Maps of TSFSR Maps of Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic
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