Keywords: Rembrandt - Tote Pfauen.jpg Artwork Q3633621 creator Rembrandt ~ 1639 Oil on canvas cm 145 135 5 Institution Rijksmuseum Amsterdam accession number SK-A-3981 object history by 1660-10-16 Clara de Valaer i18n/or Clara Michiels van Verlaer 1581-1660 Amsterdam �Een stuck synde twee pauwen ende een kint van Rembrandt � ProvenanceEvent 1660 inheritance Tobias van Domselaer i18n/or Domseler 1611-1685 Amsterdam Clara de Valaer Amsterdam by 1733 Willem Six 1662-1733 Amsterdam ProvenanceEvent 1734-05-12 sale Frans B Willem Six Gerrit Schoemaker Amsterdam 170 �Doode vogels van dezelve Rembrandt � Price NLG 50 by 1777 John Blackwood ~ 1698 -1777 Charlton Kent inheritance Catherine Ann Blackwood -1804 by 1819 William Ralph Cartwright 1771-1847 London Aynhoe Park Oxfordshire William Ralph Cartwright London by 1878-1915 William Cornwallis Cartwright 1825-1915 London / Aynhoe Park Oxfordshire ProvenanceEvent 1918 acquisition Frederik Muller Co art dealer Amsterdam - 1923 1942-07-21 J J M Chabot Wassenaar / Montreux / Brussels between 1923 1942 loan LangSwitch das the au het Rijksmuseum Amsterdam by J J M Chabot ProvenanceEvent 1942-07-21 purchase Erhard Göpel art dealer The Hague J J M Chabot Wassenaar / Montreux / Brussels ProvenanceEvent 1942 purchase Adolf Hitler 1889-1945 LangSwitch das the le het Führermuseum Linz 2418 Erhard Göpel The Hague ProvenanceEvent 1945 transfer LangSwitch das the au het Central Collecting Point Munich 4299 - 1945-10-09 1960 Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit The Hague NK2346 ProvenanceEvent 1948 loan LangSwitch das the au het Rijksmuseum Amsterdam Amsterdam Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit The Hague ProvenanceEvent 1960-02-24 conveyance LangSwitch das the au het Rijksmuseum Amsterdam Amsterdam credit line Rembrandt signature bottom right ~ SK-A-3981 LangSwitch Still Life with Peacocks Stilleven met pauwen ~ 1639 cm 145 135 5 3066 Stilleven met twee dode pauwen en een meisje Other date ~ 1639 1638-1640 cm 145 135 5 1576 LangSwitch Still life with peacocks De pauwen 2quarter Other date century 17 cm 145 135 5 li002427 Stilleben mit Mädchen Pfauen und Obstkorb Other date ~ 1631 cm 145 137 http //www wga hu/html/r/rembrand/41misc/08misc html Still-Life with Two Dead Peacocks and a Girl Other date ~ 1639 cm 145 135 exhibition history British Institution 1819 90 Catalogue of Pictures of the Italian Spanish Flemish Dutch and French Masters 1839 68 Exhibition of Works by the Old Masters and by Deceased Masters of the British School 1878 95 20 Dead peafowl Lent by W C Cartwright Esq M P One is hanging by the legs another lying near a basket of fruit; a child is leaning on the sill of a window and looking at them Signed Canvas 54 by 50½ in De Rembrandt Tentoonstelling te Amsterdam 49 Exhibition of Works by Rembrandt 101 Album ter herinnering aan de tentoonstelling van oude meesters 5 Dutch Art 1450 �1900 65 Rembrandt tentoonstelling ter plechtige herdenking van het 300-jarig bestaan der Universiteit van Amsterdam 13 Het stilleven 1933 260 Herwonnen Kunstbezit The Hague 51 Paintings looted from Holland Returned through the efforts of the United States Armed Forces 35 Rembrandt-Ausstellung zu Ehren Ihrer Majestät Königin Wilhelmine der Niederlande 19 The age of Rembrandt Tokyo/Kyoto Tokyo 47 Rembrandt en zijn tijd 81 Rembrandt The master and his workshop Berlin/Amsterdam/London Berlin Amsterdam and London 30 Rembrandt och hans tid 5 Het Nederlandse stilleven 1550-1720 40 Still-life paintings from the Netherlands 1550-1720 40 image In the Presence of Things 52 www rijksmuseum nl http //www rijksmuseum nl/ lang en Home http //www rijksmuseum nl/aria/aria_assets/SK-A-3981 lang en Info http //www rijksmuseum nl/images/aria/sk/z/sk-a-3981 z Pic Stilleven met pauwen Rijksmuseum SK-A-3981 jpeg Rembrandt - Still-Life with Two Dead Peacocks and a Girl - WGA19253 jpg Version from www wga hu place of creation Amsterdam PD-old-100 ImageNote 1 1277 1493 224 77 1504 1600 2 LangSwitch Signiert Signed Gesigneerd Rembrandt ImageNoteEnd 1 Sonderauftrag Linz Still Life with Peacocks Rembrandt |