Keywords: Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire 1300-1923.gif image information Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire 1300-1923 Fact disputed Own Created April 2008 Esemono В файле п� исутствует ошибка- указано что те� � ито� ия сов� еменного Азе� байджана входила в состав импе� ии с 1683-го до 1817-й годы � а самом же деле уже в 1723-м году восточная п� икаспийская часть Азе� байджана попала под конт� оль России после Каспийского похода Пет� а I и подписанного с И� аном догово� ом ; а в 1735-м Османская импе� ия п� изнала Азе� байджан те� � ито� ией И� ана это официально было п� изнано в догово� ах 1736 1746 годов European and non-European areas marked in different colors; German labels English labels still on deactivated layers <br /> 250px European and non-European areas marked in different colors; German labels; only 1830-1923 <br /> 250px Without language specific heading below the 12 5 million pixel rule <br /> 250px Interactive animated SVG variant with some language switches <br /> 400px <gallery> File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1300 jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1359 jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1451 jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1481 jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1520 jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1566 jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1639 jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1672 jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1683 jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1699 jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1718 jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1739 jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1774 jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1783 jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1792 jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1798 jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1801 jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1812 jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1817 jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1829 jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1830 jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1862 jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1878 jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1881 jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1882 jpg File Territorial changes of the Ottoman Empire 1912 corrected jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1913 jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1913b jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1920 jpg File Territorial_changes_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_1923 jpg </gallery> Animated maps of the Ottoman Empire Animated maps showing changing boundaries over time London protocol |