MAKE A MEME View Large Image Rottenhammer Hochzeit von Neptun und Amphitrite.jpg Artwork Q27966978 Creator Hans Rottenhammer and Creator Jan Brueghel I 1600 oil on copper cm 34 45 institution Eremitage langSwitch The Small Hermitage Kleine Eremitage  алый Э ...
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Keywords: Rottenhammer Hochzeit von Neptun und Amphitrite.jpg Artwork Q27966978 Creator Hans Rottenhammer and Creator Jan Brueghel I 1600 oil on copper cm 34 45 institution Eremitage langSwitch The Small Hermitage Kleine Eremitage � алый Э� митаж 255 accession number ГЭ-688 http //www hermitagemuseum org/wps/portal/hermitage/digital-collection/01 +Paintings/38781/ lng en langSwitch Госуда� ственный Э� митаж The Hermitage St Petersburg Eremitage Sankt Petersburg http //www hermitagemuseum org/wps/wcm/connect/fae8f127-63bf-4c73-8830-cc5da156ca8f/WOA_IMAGE_1 jpg MOD AJPERES CACHEID 22f1a226-7a70-4df7-a9d6-7caf321a21cb image object history langSwitch 1769 aus der Sammlung des Grafen Brühl Collection of Count von Bruhl Dresden 1769 Соб� ание г� афа Ген� иха фон Б� юля в Д� ездене 1769 г credit line exhibition history langSwitch Das Stillleben mit Früchten Fisch und Austern von Jan Brueghel d Ä The still life with fruits fish and oysters by Jan Brueghel the Elder Ян Б� ейгель Ста� ший на� исовал натю� мо� т с ф� уктами � ыбой и уст� ицами Hans Rottenhammer begehrt vergessen neu entdeckt Ausstellungskatalog Hirmer München 2008 scan by Quoth PD-old-100-1923 Original upload log page de wikipedia Rottenhammer_Hochzeit_von_Neptun_und_Amphitrite jpg 2008-09-04 20 05 Quoth 2200�1665� 989967 bytes Information Johannes Rottenhammer Hochzeit von Neptun und Amphitrite Kabinettbild auf Kupfer Hamns Rottenhammer begehrt vergessen neu entdeckt Ausstellungskatalog Hirmer München 2008 Johannes Rottenhammer � DEFAULTSORT Rottenhammer Hans; Feast of the Gods; Hermitage 1 Hans Rottenhammer Mythological paintings by Jan Brueghel I 1600 Paintings by Jan Brueghel I in the Hermitage German paintings in the Hermitage Paintings of Amphitrite Paintings of Neptune Poseidon 1600s mythological paintings 16th-century oil paintings in Russia 16th-century paintings not categorised by year Oysters in art Mythological paintings of putti Paintings of cornucopia Angels in the air Angels with flowers Seashells in art The Feast of the Gods Night in paintings 16th-century paintings in the Hermitage 16th-century paintings of angels with humans
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