Keywords: RussiaPressFreedom2006.png Map of the freedom of press in Russia according to the Glasnost Defense Foundation http //www gdf ru/ Фондом защиты гласности as of 2006 Data based on monitoring in the regions of Russia from March to August 2006 and on interrogations of approximately 40 experts Source Regnum http //www regnum ru/news/739060 html П� едставлена Ка� та гласности � егионов России Legenda on the basis of 4 categories http //www barents fi/ newsid 7016 deptid 13875 languageid 4 NEWS 1 Free none found Quite free green Not quite free orange Not free red Regions without data are indicated in grey Most free Tomsk Oblast and Novosibirsk Oblast Most unfree Bashkortostan and Mari El Maps of Russia |