Keywords: Saint Nicholas Accuses the Consul Met Museum Cathedral of Saint-Gervais-et-Saint-Protais at Soissons.jpg ru Вит� аж Святой � иколай обвиняет консула из собо� а Сен-Же� ве-Сен-П� оте в Суассоне Пика� дия Ф� анция около 1200 �1210 гг � едно-свинцовый сплав стекло вит� ажная к� аска 54 6 x 41 3 см Из коллекции музея Клойсте� с да� фонда Гленке� на музею � ет� ополитен � ью-Йо� к 1980 en Saint Nicholas Accuses the Consul from the cathedral of Saint-Gervais-et-Saint-Protais at Soissons Picardy ca 1200 �1210 Pot-metal glass vitreous paint 21 1/2 x 16 1/4 in 54 6 x 41 3 cm Credit Line The Cloisters Collection Gift of the Glencairn Foundation to Metropolitan Museum 1980 fr Saint Nicolas accuse le consul Picardie cathédrale Saint-Gervais-et- Saint-Protais Soissons Date v 1200 �1210 Technique Verre coloré dans la masse et peinture vitrifiée Dimensions 54 6 x 41 3 cm Crédits The Cloisters Collection don de The Glencairn Foundation 1980 2014-07-01 00 11 04 http //www metmuseum org/one-met-many-worlds/fr/details/1980 263 3 author PD-old-100 Uploaded with UploadWizard Stained glass windows of Soissons Cathedral Collections of The Cloisters Saint Nicholas on stained glass windows in France 13th-century stained glass windows in France French Medieval stained glass in the Metropolitan Museum of Art |