MAKE A MEME View Large Image Adoption Map North America.svg NoInkscape 800080 Joint adoption legal cccccc No laws allowing adoption by same-sex couples 800080 Společná adopce cccccc Adopce nedostupná ani nezakázaná 800080 Adoption par un couple et par le ...
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Keywords: Same-sex Adoption Map North America.svg NoInkscape 800080 Joint adoption legal cccccc No laws allowing adoption by same-sex couples 800080 Společná adopce cccccc Adopce nedostupná ani nezakázaná 800080 Adoption par un couple et par le beau-parent légale cccccc Inconnu/Ambigu 800080 Gemeinsame Adoption legal cccccc Unbekannt oder unklar 800080 Adopción homoparental legal cccccc Desconocido/Ambiguo Own Based on International Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans and Intersex Association Carroll A http //ilga org/downloads/02_ILGA_State_Sponsored_Homophobia_2016_ENG_WEB_150516 pdf State Sponsored Homophobia 2016 A world survey of laws criminalisation protection and recognition of same-sex love http //www periodicooficial col gob mx/p/11062016/sup02/26061104 pdf Decreto No 103 �Periódico Oficial del Estado de Colima 101 33 30 �50 2016-06-11 http //www periodicooficial michoacan gob mx/download/246/2016/junio/miercoles_22_de_junio_de_2016/7a 20Secc 20Poder 20Ejecutivo 20del 20Estado 20Decreto 20Legislativo 20N C3 BAmero 20250 - 20Se 20reforma 20el 20C C3 B3digo 20Familiar 20del 20Estado 20de 20Michoac C3 A1n 20de 20Ocampo pdf Decreto Número 150 �Periódico Oficial del Estado de Michoacán 164 95 1 �4 2016-06-22 http //periodico morelos gob mx/periodicos/2016/5408 pdf Decreto No 56 �57 �Periódico Oficial del Estado de Morelos 5408 3 �68 2016-07-04 Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación http //ius scjn gob mx/SJFSem/Paginas/DetalleGeneralV2 aspx Epoca Apendice Expresion Dominio Tesis 20Viernes 2023 20de 20Septiembre 20de 202016 20 20 20 20 20 20Todo TA_TJ 1 Orden 3 Clase DetalleSemanarioBL Tablero NumTE 21 Epp 20 Desde -100 Hasta -100 Index 1 SemanaId 201639 ID 2012586 Hit 21 IDs 2012586 Epoca -100 Anio -100 Mes -100 SemanaId 201639 Instancia -100 TATJ 1 Tesis P /J 14/2016 10a Semanario Judicial de la Federación 2016-09-23 Movement Advancement Project http //www lgbtmap org/equality-maps/foster_and_adoption_laws Equality Maps Foster and Adoption Laws https //www lovtidende dk/pdf aspx id 177148 Lov om ændring af myndighedsloven for Grønland lov om ikrafttræden for Grønland af lov om ægteskabets retsvirkninger retsplejelov for Grønland og kriminallov for Grønland �Lovtidende A 103 1 �2 2016-02-04 2008-02-23 AMK1211 Gay_Adoption_Map_North_America png Adoption law LGBT-related maps of the United States LGBT-related maps of Canada LGBT-related maps of Mexico LGBT parenting
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