Keywords: SantaFeTrail~1845.jpg Santa Fe Trail � around 1845 through Mexican Colonial New México and disputed territories eastward jpeg reduced geographic scope and edited labels from original 1845 trailmap gif file http //www nps gov/beol/trailmap gif National Park Service employee during official duty hours This image or media file contains material based on a work of a http //www nps gov/ National Park Service employee created during the course of the person's official duties As a work of the U S federal government such work is in the public domain See the http //www nps gov/ NPS website and http //www nps gov/disclaimer htm NPS copyright policy for more information original - File 1845 trailmap gif Map modification by ELapro dated Dec 10 2011 PD-USGov Santa Fe Trail-maps 02 Colonial New Mexico 1845 Maps of the history of Mexico 1845 Maps of the history of the United States 1845 Maps of New Mexico 1845 Maps of Texas 1845 New Mexico in the 1840s Texas in the 1840s |