Keywords: Savrasov-Spring.jpg Artwork Creator Alexej Kondratjewitsch Sawrassow 1870 oil on canvas cm 18 24 3 Tretyakov Gallery place of discovery object history exhibition history credit line ru Холст на ка� тоне Была в соб� ании С А Кусевицкого accession number place of creation Каталог А Сав� асов Из соб� ания Госуда� ственной Т� етьяковской гале� еи � � Изоб� азительное искусство 1986 2014-12-24 15 55 34 Custom license marker 2014 12 24 PD-old-100 Uploaded with UploadWizard Landscape paintings by Alexei Savrasov 19th-century landscape paintings in the Tretyakov Gallery |