MAKE A MEME View Large Image How to vote for the Science Party, a minor party that contested the Senate in parts of Australia in the 2016 Federal Election. Formerly known as the 'Future Party' from its 2013 founding, it pushes policies for increased research and ... MemeMaker
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Keywords: science party scienceparty senate victoria federal election 2016 federalelection2016 how to vote cards howtovotecards political ephemera politicalephemera minor party minorparty micro party microparty text screenshot outdoor How to vote for the Science Party, a minor party that contested the Senate in parts of Australia in the 2016 Federal Election. Formerly known as the 'Future Party' from its 2013 founding, it pushes policies for increased research and enlargement of the university sector, as well as for more online freedom and reduced government monitoring of data. Regarding energy it pushes for emissions trading, more renewables and development of thorium reactors. It is also notable for supporting higher levels of immigration accommodated by cities through more high density development. In 2016 the Science Party contested the Senate in New South Wales, Tasmania and Victoria where it fielded only one candidate. Normally having one candidate would have it pushed to the end of the paper with other ungrouped candidates so the Science Party combined with the Australian Cyclists Party candidate to get a group listing and thus a more prominent spot on the large Senate ballot paper. How to vote for the Science Party, a minor party that contested the Senate in parts of Australia in the 2016 Federal Election. Formerly known as the 'Future Party' from its 2013 founding, it pushes policies for increased research and enlargement of the university sector, as well as for more online freedom and reduced government monitoring of data. Regarding energy it pushes for emissions trading, more renewables and development of thorium reactors. It is also notable for supporting higher levels of immigration accommodated by cities through more high density development. In 2016 the Science Party contested the Senate in New South Wales, Tasmania and Victoria where it fielded only one candidate. Normally having one candidate would have it pushed to the end of the paper with other ungrouped candidates so the Science Party combined with the Australian Cyclists Party candidate to get a group listing and thus a more prominent spot on the large Senate ballot paper.
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